Misunderstanding >> l.h

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Hey Everybody! Here is the next pref! Hope y'all enjoy!


Luke feels tears start to poke his eyes as the picture of you and him appeared again and again. Just to clarify, that him is not Luke. But this really hot ass guy with toned arms, most probably a six pack under his shirt, chiseled face and sharp jawline. Basically, in Luke's eyes, you're cheating on him with some god that could've never compared to Luke. Someone common known as an awkward penguin.

He never thought this day would come. For months you two have been exchanging countless 'I love you's and promises to stay with each other forever. For all of them to come crashing down because of one stupid photo. And it wasn't even you telling him, he had to find out because of some goddamn picture the fucking paparazzi took.

He didn't know how to feel about this entire situation. He doesn't even know what he is feeling. It was a different feeling than anything else he has ever experienced before.

It wasn't jealousy

It wasn't hate

It wasn't anger

It was all of those mixed into one.


"Luke! I'm home!" You yell expecting an answer or Luke to pop up from behind you like he always does and scare the daylights out of you but the house was empty. You shrug it off and put your work bag on the table before heading up the stairs. You change out of your sweaty work clothes and into a more comfy outfit which just consists of a tank top and some shorts. You sit in front of your laptop and start to scroll through Tumblr and keek, watching the odd video and reading the odd post.

Two hours have flown by and Luke still hasn't come home. You just wanted to cuddle and exchange laughs and kisses but he wasn't there. Obviously. You start getting worried and so you give him a call.

One ring

Two rings

Three rings

*Call declined*

He always picks up. Even if he's busy, he'll pick up and say he's busy before putting the phone down. This was pretty much the first time he has ever declined a call from you. Now you're really worried. You get up and think about where he could be. Burning an inevitable hole in the ground from pacing so much. There was only one possible place that springs to mind.

Your feet hurriedly speed walked over to the spot. It was quiet, empty and abandoned. Away from paparazzi and reality. You smile slightly when you see him but as you get closer, that smile disappeared as fast as it came. He was sat down on the pavement and crawled up in a ball. Muffled sobs could be heard escaping his mouth. His hair was a mess rather than its usual tall quiff. "Luke? You okay?" You ask him, kneeling down beside Luke but he doesn't look up. "Lukey?" Nothing. "Lucas?" Nope. Still nothing. "Babe?" And that's when it all came tumbling down.

His head shoots up and you see him. Worse than he has ever been and that comes from someone who goes and tours the world for shit's sake. He was even worse of a mess than you thought. Eyes puffy and bloodshot from crying, cheeks covered in dry tear tracks and his already dark circles more prominent than ever.

Your eyes keep examining his face but something inside of Luke just snapped and he started violently thrashing at you for no obvious reason. Maybe he hated you scanning his face so close in detail but you've done that countless times and he has never seemed fazed by it. Before.

You back away, absolutely scared of his sudden hostility. "Luke? What happened?" You question, attempting to calm the sudden beast down. Muttered I hate you's seeped through Luke's mouth as he curled back into a ball. Leaving you dazed and confused.

It was as if another soul has taken over Luke. This isn't the man who was peppering you with kisses for the entire morning today. Or the one who pranked you only yesterday by putting flour into your hairdryer. You're pretty sure there are still bits in your hair.

This Luke was different.

He was hostile, angry and just an overall monster. His face contorted with rage. You didn't know if it was you or if it was something else. Stress maybe? You weren't sure. This Luke was showing you his pain by attempting to hurt you. Yet failing to do so. This Luke was trying to hurt you. When the other one promised to never. To protect you from the hurter instead of him being the hurter and you having to defend yourself.

"Luke. Lukey. Lucas. Calm down. Please. Talk to me." You say, relaxed. His tense shoulders loosen at your touch as you start massaging them but he immediately perks up again. "You fucking cheated on me!" He shouts. Drawing attention from stray passerby. You give them a look and they immediately understand and continue what they were previously doing.

His normally soft blue eyes, turned cold and were dancing with red flakes of pure hatred and anger. Whilst yours were speckled with dots of confusion. Cheating? You never cheated on Luke. You love Luke to the ends of the earth. To the moon and back. You don't understand what he was saying and plus you were at work for most, if not the entirety, of the day. "I never cheated on you. Why would I ever cheat on you Luke?" You ask him, looking deep into his blue orbs. Trying to see what was behind the mask he was wearing.

"That's just bullshit! If you didn't cheat on me then explain this picture!" He shoves his hands into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Punching in the ever so familiar passcode before scrolling to the photos app.

His fingers were fast. Prancing on the screen to try and find what was needed to be found. He pulls up an image that looks so familiar to you. And as soon as you realised what exactly this picture was, you but down on your lip to stop yourself from laughing. "Well. Do you have an explanation?" And then, you just burst.

All the laughter you have been containing just flew out your mouth and Luke was looking at you like you were insane. "It's not funny!" He exclaimed but you could tell he was trying not to laugh himself. "T-that's my b-brother!" You explain. Not able to hide your laughter. Like takes a closer look at the picture and notices the extreme similarities. "Holy shit."

Well I got worked up for nothing.

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