Good News and Stalling Tactics

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"Anyways," she continued. "They tells me that my Davey didn't steal those things, but he found out about 'em and was goin' to the authorities when Mills attacked 'im and shot 'im and made it look like a su'cide. My poor, poor, Davey."

She placed her head in her hands and began weeping again. Tears for the lost years, the accusations and assumptions.

As Gibbs searched for a clean tissue or handkerchief, Susan dug through her other shirt sleeve and pulled out a second, cleaner tissue. Wiping her eyes and blowing her nose, she stuffed the tissue back in her sleeve, and looked up at him.

"They...they told me who you was and what you done fer us. I...I don't know what to say. You've changed our lives Mr Gibbs." She sniffed and looked away.

"Susan, it's either Jethro or just Gibbs," he replied, avoiding what she had said. He was never one to take praise well. It just made him feel awkward. "And it wasn't really me," he added.

Standing up, he reached out for Abby and Tim and drew them into his side.

"I'd like you to meet Abby Sciuto and Tim McGee." As Susan stood, Abby and Tim each respectfully shook Susan's hand.

"Before I left NCIS, these two were part of my team. They have worked together over the past week to find out any information they could to help solve your case. It's them that deserves the thanks not me."

"Well, I thank all of yers. You can't know how much it means to have Davey's name cleared," she said smiling at the three of them. "And that agent says we's entitled to compensation. And I can get benefits for Aiden."

"That's wonderful Susan," said Jenny coming up and taking the other woman's hands in hers. "I'm so happy for you. It's no more than you deserve."

Smiling at Jenny, Susan released one arm and drew Jenny in for a hug. As Jenny's head rested over her shoulder, she whispered, "I hope you find answers to yer own questions. I don't know what's both'rin ya but yer gotta find peace. It'll tear yer up if ya don't."

Pulling away, Jenny look curiously into Susan's eyes.

"How did you..." she began.

"I see it in yer eyes," said Susan nodding gently. "I's been there, and I can see it when it's raw for someone else."

Tears filling her own eyes, Jenny gave Susan a watery smile, then pulled away. Gibbs didn't miss the exchange.

"Well," said Susan cheerfully, "I can see yers about to have dinner. I jist wanted to come round and say thanks."

"Please, bring Aiden and Sam and join us," said Jenny. "We have more than enough food. Between this lot," she motioned around with her hand, "We have a good supply of fresh fish, far more than we can eat. We'd be honoured if you'd join us."

"Besides," added Gibbs coming over to Jenny and putting his arm around her, "We didn't really get to have a proper barbecue the other night. So, let's have it tonight. And now we really have something to celebrate."

"But you've got all yer fam'ly around, we wouldn't want ta intrude," began Susan.

"Don't be silly Susan," said Gibbs cutting her off. "We'd love to have you and I'm sure Tony and Ziva would like to see Aiden again. They've been nagging to go and see him since their little adventure."

Gibbs looked over at Tony and Ziva who were nodding enthusiastically.

"Well, if yer sure..." began Susan again.

"Great, it's settled then," said Jenny leaving no room for argument. "You go home and grab Sam and Aiden, and get yourselves back here. We'll see you soon."

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