An Encouraging Puff of Air

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Chapter 4 - An Encouraging Puff of Air

Sitting at the kitchen table, the three of them ate their lunch while Tony chatted about the new DS game and how he'd almost managed to beat Tim.

"I only had one more round to go but one of the aliens killed me just before the end," explained Tony animatedly. "But even Tim said I did well and he's really good at that game."

Smiling at him Gibbs said, "That's great Tony. I'm glad you had fun."

"Where did you go Ziva?" asked Tony directing his attention to his little sister.

"To my room," she answered, picking at her sandwich. "I did some colouring."

"You should've stayed with us," he said. "We had an awesome time. I would've helped you play the game."

"I didn't want to," she replied. "And I don't need help. I can play that game easily," she added offended at the offer.

Shrugging, Tony didn't let her words rattle him and turning to his Dad he continued, "So, do you want to have a challenge with me later? I bet I could beat you!"

"I bet you could too Tony," said Gibbs smiling. "Those things aren't really my forte. But, yeah, we can have a game later. I want to check on Jenny first, and then we can have a game, ok?"

Tony nodded biting into his sandwich.

Gibbs looked over at Ziva. She had barely touched her lunch and, even now, was picking at the bread.

"Not hungry Ziva?" asked Gibbs.

She looked up at him and shrugged. Picking up the sandwich she took a small bite and began to chew.

"So do you want to join us in this challenge Tony's talking about?" he asked trying to include her.

"No," she said shaking her head.

"Well what are you going to do then?" he continued.

As she shrugged again, he resisted the urge to say something. The shrugging was really starting to get to him. Being one who liked verbal responses at the best of times, this constant shrugging was setting his teeth on edge. Choosing to pick his battles though, he let it go and, standing up said, "Any one for another sandwich or a piece of fruit?"

"Can I have another sandwich please?" asked Tony. "But can you leave out the lettuce and just make it pastrami and cheese?"

"The lettuce is good for you," said Gibbs then laughed at the face Tony pulled. "Packaged deal Tony, the pastrami comes attached to the lettuce. Do you just want plain cheese?"

"It does not!" scoffed Tony. "You just made that up."

"Yeah, it does," argued Gibbs. "See look?" He lifted up a piece of pastrami careful to make sure a bit of lettuce was attached. "See, I can't separate them," he said, making a big show of trying to pull the two apart.

Rolling his eyes at his Dad's antics, Tony said, "OK, I'll have the lettuce too."

"Wise choice," said Gibbs smirking.

"Was there any other?" supplied Tony incredulously.

"Yeah, plain cheese," added Gibbs.

Turning, he quickly made Tony another sandwich and set it down on the table. Looking over at Ziva's plate, he saw she'd managed to finish one half of the sandwich.

"Do you want some fruit Ziva?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No thanks," she said.

Making himself a cup of coffee he sat down again and drank slowly.

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