When the clock rolled around to five ten, they weren't surprised to see Susan Halloway, making her way along the shore front towards them. Standing up, Gibbs and Jenny began to close the distance between them and soon, they were within talking distance.

"Sorry ta bother yers," called Susan when they were still around twenty feet apart. "Jist wond'ring if Aiden's still 'ere? I told that boy ta be home by half four. He's usually pretty good but I guess with new friends time jist gets away from ya."

Closing the gap until the three of them were standing together, Gibbs shook his head.

"No, he's not here," he said. "We were just wondering the same thing. I was giving them another five minutes before I started looking around for them."

Gibbs looked to Jenny. "We were just saying that they've probably forgotten the time. Tony has a watch, so I'm sure they're not too far away."

Jenny gave a short laugh. "Yeah, they're probably somewhere exploring and didn't think about the return journey. Probably only started heading home when they saw it was four thirty.

"Well, he'd better be 'ome soon," began Susan grimly, "Or I'll be givin' 'im what for!"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much just yet," said Gibbs laughing a little to break the tension. "I'm sure they'll come running out of the trees soon enough, apologising profusely and promising all matter of repentance."

"Yeah, well for Aiden's sake, I 'ope so," replied Susan.

"Would you like some coffee or tea?" offered Jenny.

"That's real kind of yer but I'd best be goin' back," replied Susan. "Gotta git Sam some dinner before we comes over 'ere."

"Sam's welcome to come to the barbecue as well," said Gibbs quickly. "Sorry, I thought we'd mentioned that yesterday?"

"Yeah, yers did," said Susan going slightly red. "But he's a bit stuck in 'is way. Don't take too kindly ta strangers. Plus he's a bit sick of late and prefers ta stay indoors."

"That's fine," responded Gibbs smiling. "So long as he knows he's welcome. Well, if I see Aiden I'll send him your way and I'll assume you'll do the same if you run into our two?"

"Will do," said Susan turning to head home. "See yers in a bit."

As they watched Susan make her way back towards the boundary, Gibbs and Jenny looked around once more.

"You worried?" asked Jenny, looking into Gibbs face for any sign.

"Ah, not really," he responded. "You?"

"Yeah, a little," she said. "I should've trusted that feeling yesterday."

"How Jen?" said Gibbs pointedly. "We couldn't very well stop them just because we 'had a feeling'."

Sighing, Jenny turned and headed back towards the house.

"Where are you going?" called Gibbs.

"To get some walking shoes," she replied without turning around. "I'm going to walk the boundary."

"Hang on Jen," said Gibbs, jogging to catch up with her.

"Don't try and stop me Jethro," she said as she walked briskly towards the house.

"I'm not," he said, finally reaching her. He took her arm. "Just hold on a minute."

"No," she said angrily pulling her arm back. "Something's happened to them. Neither of them would deliberately cross the boundaries and, after seeing Susan Halloway I don't think there's any way Aiden would want to risk her wrath either. We walked the boundary the other night. From any point it would be less than a forty five minute walk back to the house and it's now," she grabbed hold of his watch, "five thirty. It's not like them Jethro. Tony's responsible, he would keep an eye on the time."

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