"Enjoy your evening," called Gibbs smirking. "Say hi to Brigette for me!"

Ducky didn't reply but merely shook his finger at Gibbs in admonishment.

Smiling at his friend, Gibbs closed the door and headed back into the kitchen. Taking down some plates and cups in readiness for dinner, he then poured himself a cup of coffee and enjoyed a rare moment of peace before he was bombarded by his 'kids' both tall and small.

At ten past six, the front door flew open and in bounced Abby, Tim, Ziva and Tony.

"And," Gibbs heard Tony's voice proclaim. "I bet it won't be long before they bring out a DS game for Cars. That'd be so cool."

"But Ziva," came Abby's voice over the top of Tony's. "You should have just left it up there. If that boy wanted to throw his cap at the lights, that's his problem. You shouldn't get involved."

As she walked into the kitchen, Abby suddenly stopped when she saw Gibbs staring at her.

"Ah, hi Gibbs," she said brightly. "Had a good day?" she asked.

Gibbs looked sternly at Ziva who promptly blushed and hid behind Abby.

"Abby, before we launch into this," Gibbs began. "Just answer me three questions. Was there any blood or broken bones involved, were the police called and should I expect a law suit?"

"No, no and no," Abby answered smiling at him.

"Right," he said. "Then I don't want to know."

"Good decision," replied Abby, patting him on the shoulder as she dumped two heavy plastic bags filled with Chinese take-out on the table.

"OK you lot," said Gibbs as all four of his kids were now in the kitchen. "Get everything set out and feel free to begin. I'm going up to see if Jenny wants to join us." As Gibbs walked out the kitchen he said quietly to Tim, "Can I have a quick word with you?"

"Ah, yeah, sure Boss," said Tim a little nervously.

Knowing he hadn't been at the movies, he was fairly confident he couldn't be blamed for whatever havoc Ziva had inflicted, but with Gibbs, he was never entirely sure.

As Gibbs looked at the apprehension on Tim's face, he rolled his eyes.

"Relax Tim, I'm not gonna chew you out on something," he said shaking his head.

He laughed as Tim visibly relaxed and looked up expectantly.

"I was wondering if you could do me a little favour?" he asked pulling Tim into the next room.

As they entered the living room, Gibbs explained to Tim what he needed. When he had finished Tim smiled.

"Sure thing Boss, not a problem at all," he said confidently.

"Thanks Tim," replied Gibbs patting him on the shoulder. He then added before heading up the stairs, "You better go and get some food before Tony eats it all."

"Yeah right!" said Tim laughing and returned to the kitchen.

Entering the darkened bedroom, Gibbs padded softly to the bed. As he got closer, he could see Jenny's eyes were open. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair, pushing it behind her ears.

"Hi," she said, smiling up at him. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Oh 'bout three hours," he answered.

"I heard the troops returning," she said.

"Yep, sounds like the movie was a hit," replied Gibbs. "Abby brought home some Chinese. Do you want to come down and join us?"

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