"Oh yeah, recuperating, we understand," said Abby brightly, nodding her head in agreement.

To Abby and Tim's relief, the awkwardness was broken by Gibbs opening the side door and saying, "Come on, inside. Time for a shower and bath." He stood to the side to let the children pass.

"But Daddy, we want to keep playing, pleeeeease," they heard Ziva say.

"No. Inside Missy. You've had a big day and it's time for a bath before dinner," replied Gibbs.

"Just one more game of tag?" added Tony.

"Sure," said Gibbs, "I'm it!"

They adults in the kitchen watched while Gibbs playfully grabbed each child and 'tagged' them by swatting their bottoms and sending them inside.

"Hey, no fair Dad!" said Tony.

"Quick, upstairs," added Gibbs clapping his hands, "Or I'll tag you both again."

Both children squealed as they ran through the kitchen on their way to the bathroom.

As Gibbs entered the kitchen he saw Jenny pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Hey Jen, how'd ya sleep," he asked.

"Great!" she said. "Until I thought World War three had been declared in the backyard," she added grinning. "It sounds like they had a great day."

"Sorry about the sugar Gibbs," said Abby apologising again.

"Abs, it's fine," said Gibbs. "Don't worry about it, they'll be crashing soon. I just hope I can get some decent food into them first."

Looking at his watch, Tim said, "We should get going Abby. We've got to get ready yet."

"Yeah," said Abby, standing up and putting her mug in the sink. Looking at Gibbs, she said "Good luck," and drew him in for a special Abby hug.

"Thanks again for taking them out today Abs," Gibbs said, speaking into her ear as Abby squeezed him tightly. "They've had a wonderful day."

Abby smiled and let go. Shaking Tim's hand, Gibbs added, "You too Tim. Thanks for looking after them."

"No worries Boss. I er...hope the sugar wears off soon," he said.

As Abby and Tim headed out the kitchen followed by Gibbs, Jenny said, "I'll make a start on dinner Jethro."

Turning Abby said, "That's real nice of you Gibbs to have Director Shepard stay while she's sick. I'm sure you're taking very good care of her."

"Abs," said Gibbs in a warning tone.

"Well, it's just that, she's all alone in that house of hers and knowing that someone cares as much as you do, must be a huge relief to her," continued Abby ignoring the warning in Gibbs voice and ploughing on. "You know, maybe you could offer for her to stay all week. I mean some illnesses take ages to get over and you don't want her relapsing because..."

"Abby!" said Gibbs firmly. "Unless you want me to start playing 'tag' with you, I'd be quitting now."

"Um, right," said Abby. "Quitting now."

"Good decision!" said Gibbs laughing at her expression. "Have fun tonight and behave!" he added unable to resist the parental warning.

"We will Gibbs," said Abby.

"See ya Boss," added Tim.

Closing the door behind them, Gibbs smiled. In many ways, those two were no different to Tony and Ziva, just taller. He wandered back into the kitchen.

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