"I just want to try one," argued Tony. "You're supposed to share," he added glaring at Ziva.

"Ziva," said Gibbs, stepping into the argument now he could see what was happening. "Those bars are to share and Tony is perfectly within his right to have whichever one he wants. There are four of each variety, so there's plenty to go around. Now let go please."

"But he never has the berry ones and they're my favourite," she said in a sulky tone. "He's just choosing it to annoy me," she added also glaring at her brother.

"Ziva, let go of the muesli bar and choose something that you would like to eat," said Gibbs sternly. "This is ridiculous to fight over food."

Thinking for a second, Ziva had an idea. Pulling forward on the muesli bar so that Tony would react and pull back, Ziva suddenly let go causing Tony to stumble backwards. Grinning smugly at him, she grabbed one of the berry bars out of the box and stomped into the living room.

Steadying himself by grabbing onto the chair, Tony looked at Gibbs saying, "She did that on purpose!"

Looking at him suspiciously, Gibbs said, "Why do you want the berry one. Ziva's right, you never pick them."

Tony shrugged. "I don't know, just thought it would be nice for a change." He looked down at the bar and then into the box. Deciding to put the berry one back, he said, "On second thoughts I think I will have the chocolate chip after all."

As he, too, headed into the living room, Gibbs gave Tony's retreating body a glare. He knew Ziva had been right. Tony was just trying to annoy her. Unpacking the groceries quickly, he soon joined the two children in the living room.

As he thought would probably be the case, Jenny was no longer asleep. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and tossed the throw over the arm of the sofa.

"Coffee?" he asked as he caught her eye.

"Yeah, thanks," she replied. Getting up, she headed into the kitchen. "What was the arguing about?" she asked.

"Departmental dispute over whose muesli bar was whose?" he replied. "That, and Tony being an ass trying to rile up Ziva."

"Like father, like son," Jenny quipped. But before Gibbs could respond, she added, "Thanks for getting that stuff for me."

Deciding to let her comment go, he nodded in acknowledgment and handed her a cup of coffee.

"I wasn't sure which book you wanted so I brought both," he said.

"Thanks," she murmured, sipping on the hot brew.

"Did you sleep the whole time I was gone?" he asked.

"Pretty much," she said. "I went out and explained to Tony and Ziva where you were and went back on the sofa. The next thing I knew I could hear arguing in the kitchen. I didn't even realise you were home until I heard your voice."

"See, told you, you still needed sleep," he said unable to resist the taunt.

Rolling her eyes, she chose not to respond but continued sipping on the coffee.

"Hey Jenny," called Tony from the living room. "Do you want to play a game with us?"

Jenny rose and, taking her coffee, went into the other room.

"Maybe, what's the game?" she asked.

"Monopoly," replied Tony. "We got it at the toy library."

"Oh I love Monopoly!" exclaimed Jenny. "I haven't played this in years. I'll be the dog."

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