Until It's Over

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I smile as I look around at  my favorite place in the world. Miami beach surrounds me, the sun shining down on my face and the sand running through my toes. I pick up some sand as I see a familiar figure in front of me. My Dad. He pulls out a gun aiming to my head, I breathe nervously. 

"Don't," I manage to say, "Please, Daddy." 

A smirk grows on his face, "Why shouldn't I? You are going to die anyway." He reminds me. I shake my head. I hear the click of the trigger and watch the bullet flying towards my head. I am suddenly jolted back into reality. 

"NO!" I wake up screaming. Miami beach has been replaced by my dull hospital room. The sound of my heart monitor fills the room. My wide eyes, glance over my body. I reach up expecting to feel a bullet hole in my head, but only feel my long dark hair.

 I'm fine... It was a dream. I say to myself. My Mom rushes over to me with a worried look on her face. Her hair sticking in a million different directions, from her pillow. 

"Are you alright, Breelynn?" she asks in a worried tone. I instinctively look for my Dad, who is at home tonight. Of course he is nothing like he was in the dream. He is the best Dad anyone could ever have. My eyes glance back to my Mom, I keep a serious look on my face. The look that I have had since I found out that I had 4 tumors in my brain.  

"Yeah," I say, "I'm fine. Just a nightmare." My eyes move away from her and down to my hand. The IV in it, sends medicine through my veins. Medicine that is supposed to help me sleep. "I'm fine.Promise. " I say again. 

The door suddenly opens, with my nurse Nikki standing in the door way. Her blonde hair shines brightly  when she turns on the light. My eyes take a moment to adjust. 

"You're heart monitor went off. You alright?" She explains, with her kind tone.  The beeping of my heart monitor becoming more obvious. 

"I'm fine. I have already been through this with her. " I say harshly, looking over at my Mom. "I have brain tumors, not a heart problem, so get this god damn thing off of me!

Nikki  gives me a frown, "Breelynn, honey you know-" 

"I know, if my heart rate gets to high then it could exhaust me, causing my sickness to be worse. We have been through this 10 times, I just think it's a dumb as you are." I cut her off. Shock grows on both, my Mom and Nikki's faces. You'd think they'd get used to my new attitude by now, but I guess they are still used to the perky, giggly girl I used to be. I roll my eyes and turn over, facing my blank wall.

They told me I could hang posters, but honestly I wouldn't even know who's posters I would hang. plus, I have always found the idea of posters pointless. Why would I want a celebrity to look at me while I change, sleep and in my case puke all of the time. In 50 years time no one will remember the people who are popular now, In 100 all of their fans will be dead and eventually no one will matter at all. Eventually no one will be left on this planet to give a shit about the people that we idolize today. 

I won't pretend that I never had a celebrity crush, because I did. He wasn't even a celebrity I guess. Just someone I found on YouTube. His name is Austin Mahone, he lives in Texas and he makes covers in his room. Well... He did last time I checked on him. About 8 months ago I  got sick and I couldn't keep up with stuff like that anymore. I am glad I lost track of him... He seems so pointless to me now. 

(I know it's short, but this is just an intro! Austin will be in the next Chapter. I really hope you guys like it. Please share with other mahomies! Share on your Twitters, Tumblrs, Facebook pages. Whatever! I just need your support! Thanks so much!! -ClovelyMahone)

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