Chapter 14 - Shadow

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I flew faster then I had in a long time. I knew we had to get there fast if we wanted to make a difference in what happened. I flew across the island in only a half an hour which was amazing compared to the two hour flight to Nina. When we flew over the battle I saw Thunder had already arrived. Of course he always thinks of a faster way after we leave I thought. Then I realized we had an advantage. They were focused on the others who had arrived before us and didn't even see us flying above. I was suddenly afraid. I'd never had to fight anyone, I didn't know if I was strong enough. I can do this I thought to myself I can't just stand aside anymore. "You ready?" I asked Jacqueline. "Yeah" she replied but I could tell she was nervous. I remembered she wasn't nearly as experienced with magic as I was and that was our only weapon. I knew we couldn't hang around up here any longer if we wanted to surprise them. I dove downward knocking over a bunch of people with my wings. Of course the instant I knocked them down the others noticed me including Ace. Dang it I thought as Ace ran this way with that one girl on his back, what was her name again? "Sabine and Ace again?" Jacqueline mumbled answering my question. I blasted light at them hoping to at least knock Sabine off since I had to act to fast to aim. Right before they slammed into us I leapt over to the right. I saw a laser hit Sabine in the arm as they passed and realized Jacqueline has hit her. She didn't fall off but she almost did and her arm looked burned since the laser was hot. I didn't have time to think about much of anything as this went on, I was being attacked from left and right. Ace mad his way back over and blasted at me but I leapt over it and into the air. One guy grabbed my leg but got blasted off pretty quickly. As we went upward I heard something fly past my ear. I glanced down to see some of the Dark Core guys had crossbow! I didn't know why they didn't have guns but I wasn't gonna question it, arrows are easier to avoid. I saw Silverglade Village in the distance and realized why they didn't have guns. They were incredibly loud and if they went off people would notice. Knowing I had to stop them from shooting at us, I swooped down at them shooting magic at them as I came. I landed in front of them and knocked two of the three over. I stomped on the crossbows so they would break. I heard Jacqueline cry out in pain and turned to see the third guy had whacked her in the arm with the butt of the crossbow. I reared up and slammed down onto his chest breaking most of his ribs. He took an arrow out while laying there and stabbed my front left ankle. I neighed in pain but remained on my feet ignoring it knowing if I fell it was over. Jacqueline grabbed the guys crossbow before he could grab another arrow from the container that was cleverly attached to it. I flew up again and circled over now that no more arrows were flying at us. I heard something click and saw Jacqueline had loaded an arrow on the crossbow. "Do you have any idea what your doing?" I asked her. "Nope" she replied but aimed it down at the battle. From up here I noted there were far less Dark Core guys then before. Jacqueline shot five arrows down and while four missed one hit a guy's arm. "Umm.. Did I just hit one!?" She asked sounding kind of panicked. I knew she'd never been through anything like this before, it would be hard for her to attack anyone. I didn't reply wanting her to stay focused and started to fly down toward My, who was in a bad situation. She was surrounded by people all of whom had some kind of weapon and even as I watched a baseball bat hit her in the arm. I knocked over the group of enemies trampling some but almost fell on my face from the pain in my leg. My noticed the arrow stuck in my leg and looked at it wide eyed before pulling it out. I nodded at her quickly before racing off through the crowed slashing left and right with my wings. My mother had taught me that even though they don't seem like it, my wings are one of my most powerful weapons. I didn't know how many people died. Jacqueline soon stopped panicking briefly after hitting somebody. I could tell she knew we were far beyond turning back now. Not just from this battle, but from everything that had happened on this island. So we pressed on thoughtlessly attacking any foe that came near. Of course we didn't do this without harm. Who could be that lucky? I took a hit in the head which left me half dazed for the rest of the battle. Once that happened the world seemed to be moving in slow motion. I couldn't hear anything. I felt something hit my side but barely registered it. My head hurt horribly. There was now only Ace and the Dark Riders left. It seemed like we were winning. Suddenly a scream pierced the soundless void I'd been in. I look over and suddenly an intense pain flooded through my head and the world was so bright I couldn't see. I saw only one thing through the blinding light, Anne had fallen off her horse and I stared to run over. Everything happened so slowly in that moment, Ace reared up and slammed down on her. He then stepped back and teleported away. My mind started flashing between memory and reality, I saw my mother disappearing in a blast of light, and then I saw what was happening here. I neighed loudly, but couldn't even hear myself, it was all too much. I fell onto my side and the last thing I saw was people running and I faintly heard someone yelling my name.

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