Chapter 7 - Kate

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     I couldn't believe what had just happened. When they had caught me I was terrified. I told them everything and expected them to hate me. But others all seemed to understand. Plus there were more important things to worry about. We looked around the fields for about an hour but found no clues about where they had gone. They had disappeared without a trace. As we searched Thunder explained who Ace was and how him and Shadow had met their owners. He still seemed kind of upset but you could see a gleam of fierce determination in his eyes. Thunder still had hope. Fox had his head low the entire time and was silent. When we got back to the stable he finally blurted out "This is all my fault! If I hadn't been rambling on about my confusion we could have gotten away before they were even close!" "It's not your fault" Thunder replied "you didn't even know we had enemies, so you wouldn't have know what was bothering me, and you were completely surprised and confused at the time" he paused a hint of sadness in his eyes before continuing "This was my fault, she was fighting them with me, I should've done a better job of protecting her" Shadow looked at Thunder and said "Thunder, listen to me! This is not your fault! We would've all been captured if it wasn't for you and Nina, we aren't strong enough to beat them yet! We were outnumbered and until Fox and Kate are trained we probably won't win! If there is anyone to blame it is Dark Core and Ace, they are the ones who took her and we will get her back!" Shadow had a fierce gleam in his eyes and was glowing a little as he said this. Thunder had told me Shadow was actually a pegasus, but he was in disguise. Looking at him now it wasn't hard to believe. I was still confused about everything that was happening. I was suddenly distracted when Fox yelled "OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK!?" I turned to see his hay was on fire. We all started laughing. I took my water bottle and emptied it onto his hay. "Well clearly he can use his magic!" My's horse, Sapphire, said. I realized he hadn't said anything until now. I wasn't surprised though. Talking horses were nothing compared to what had happened earlier today. "He needs to learn to control it or else he will burn down the stables" Thunder said with a chuckle "come with me Fox" I quickly opened the stall door so my horse could follow Thunder. The pair walked out of the barn in the direction of the outdoor arena. Jacqueline then told me "You'll be able to use magic too you know. As your horse gets stronger so will you" "Well I'll try not to burn down the stables!" I joked. Of course then I went to grab Fox some new hay for when he came back and it caught on fire. "Come on!" I yelled laughing and shoved the hay in the nearest water bucket. Everyone laughed. Even the horses. Sapphire actually fell over and started rolling causing us to laugh even harder. "Alright what happened?" Thunder said as he walked back in Fox trailing behind him. I told them about the hay burning. Fox's reaction was "Awww so I don't get any hay?". A few minutes later when we all had calmed down Thunder said "I simply taught Fox how to control when he's using the fire so random things don't just start burning. We don't want others to notice things randomly burning." By late evening people started to leave one by one. My was the first to leave because she had to do some homework. She was taking the next week off so she could focus on saving Nina and defeating Ace but her mom had said she had to keep up with the homework. Eventually I had to leave too because my mom had to go somewhere tonight and told me to be back by eight. I left Jacqueline there petting Shadow's neck and talking to him, most likely worried about her friend.

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