Chapter 3 - Kate

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I couldn't sleep that night. Finally around eleven I couldn't stand it anymore. I got out of bed and got dressed. I left a note for my mom, who was ok with me going out anytime when I didn't have school (I still have to enroll at a school here) as long as she knew where I was going. I didn't dare text not wanting to wake her up. I walked to the stable which didn't take to long since I only lived about half a mile away. I got there and walked into the dark barn. I saw that most of the horses were sleeping. To my surprise Fox was wide awake. He turned when I walked in. "Let me guess" he said "you couldn't sleep either" "Yeah" I replied "I just kept thinking about everything that's happened since we moved here. It's so confusing." I grabbed my bridle deciding the best way to clear my mind would be a midnight ride. As I got on I noticed My's horse wasn't in his stall. "Was My here?" I asked Fox. "Yeah she never left after you did, about a half hour ago she got on her horse and left the barn" I didn't know what to think of that. Why would she just randomly go riding at ten thirty at night? I thought to myself. I decided it wasn't important since I was riding even later then that. As we walked around towards the back of the barn I heard somebody talking. I quickly realized it was My. She was talking on a phone just around the corner. I would have kept walking but then I realized she was talking about me. "There's only one new girl lately, her name is Kate" My said. After a breif pause she continued "Look I know it's a bit of a quick guess but it's our only lead at all, you need to see what I found in the outdoor ring here." She listened for another minute then said "The baroness closed the arena for me, can you at least come and look at what I found there? It won't effect much if it ends up being nothing and we have nothing else to go by!" There was only one thing she could have found in the the arena. I felt Fox shift nervously as we listened. "Yeah just start traveling tomorrow morning and you'll be here by late afternoon. Tell Nina to come too, we could use her help" she paused again one more time "Alright then I'll see you both tomorrow!" I heard the phone beep as she hung up. As she started to ride towards the barn I had Fox turn and race the other way, out to the Everwind Fields. I definitely didn't want My to know I'd heard that conversation. This scared me a little and I could Fox was afraid too. I knew the thing she must have found outside had to be Fox's burnt hoof print. She knew the baroness well enough to the point where she had closed the arena for My. Then there was the scariest thing - she had two friends who were coming to help her find a certain person or horse based on finding this. Me and Fox were sure of only one thing. They were looking for us. But we had no idea why.

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