Chapter Twenty-Seven

ابدأ من البداية

Liam nodded. "Very well."

We continued walking in silence, with me in front, Liam following. I wished there would be some kind of conversation, so it wouldn't be awkward.

It seemed the Forbidden Land was out to kill us. For once the nighttime came, a new creature emerged. It wasn't deceptive like the kelpie and dryad. It was large and frightening.

A cry from the sky caused Liam and I to look up. A large bird created a shadow on the forest, blocking out the sun. A roc.

"By the Fates," Liam murmured, drawing his sword.

"I don't think we should try and fight it," I said. "Let's hide from it until it leaves."

It was legend that a roc could pick up an entire house with its talons. I did not want to have to try to go against this massive creature. I pulled Liam behind a tree. We sat there, as quietly as possible. In the darkness, I noticed I was still clutching his arm. Usually, I would've let go, but I was frightened. I clutched it with two hands instead, as if holding on would protect me. Liam looked down at me in surprise. I did not pull away. Last time, with the kelpie, Liam had almost died. I wouldn't let that happen this time.

The bird landed, and shook the ground. I teetered, but my grip on Liam kept me sturdy. I felt my breath hitch. I did not want to face something again.

I was being a fool, frightened an all, but I believed I was allowed to be afraid. I'd been brave the entire time, but this time, I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

The roc shook the ground with every step as it edged toward us. I looked up at Liam. His grip on the hilt of his sword was tight. The roc came closer and closer.

Liam looked down at me. "I cannot wait for it to attack me. Please, run to the faeries. You need to stay safe, my Enchanta."

I swallowed. There was no way I was going to be the damsel in distress. I took a deep breath and ran out from the trees. I grabbed my dagger and charged the roc.

The beast was twenty times my size. It's beak was sharp and pointed. Its eyes found mine, and it let out a squawk. It turned its wing. The feathers looked razor sharp. I ducked, and the wing did not hit me.

What was I thinking? I thought. I can't do anything about this bird. It'll kill me in the blink of an eye.

I darted backwards, and Liam stepped forward, blocking hits from the giant bird's beak and wings. I looked for some sort of weakness. It's eyes, perhaps? It's belly?

It hit me. The inside. I took out Jax's dagger and silently apologized.

I'm sorry, Jax.

When Liam had an opening, I threw the dagger to him. He caught it. "In its mouth!" I called.

He understood. He continued to slash at the monster, until it let out a cry. Then, he threw the dagger into the roc's mouth. The dagger sliced up its throat, and it let out a strangled cry. It spun in a circle, and its wing hit my head, causing momentary blackness. I recovered and watched as the roc flapped its wings, trying to get a gulp of air. It flew up, and in a circle, until it was out of sight.

I collapsed out of exhaustion. "Evelin!" Liam cried. He ran over to me.

I took deep breaths. "I'm fine," I said. "I'm just . . . tired and thirsty."

The Forbidden Lands (Wattys 2015 Winner)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن