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"Fuck this!" Louis shouts, harshly throwing his phone onto the bed. He had been trying to get his Spotify to work, his only way of listening to music on his shitty phone (countless times Harry had attempted to get Louis a better phone, resulting in Louis being his hot headed self and yelling at Harry about how he's fine). Kicking the bed he grumbles about just wanting to listen to Pierce The Veil, needing some way to express his anger. If that be through loud screaming music, then so be it.

In his moment of anger Louis' thoughts clear up enough to remember the shitty iPod touch. He had told Harry to get rid of it, how it was useless, but of course Harry didn't listen. Louis remembers how Harry threw him a smile, saying I know you, Lou. It'll be in here when you need it. Throwing it into Harry's bedside table drawer. Without a second thought he dives for Harry's bedside table.

He grasps the iPod, taking it out and shutting the drawer. Trying his hardest to ignore the lock screen - a picture of Harry smiling at him right as he's putting his hair up into a bun, not knowing the camera was right there till after Louis took the picture - he unlocks the iPod. Open is an audio file, no title and no picture. In attempt of remembrance Louis scrunches his eyebrows, looking up for a second. With a shake of his head he realizes he's not going to remember, carelessly shrugging he hits play.

The deep rumble of Harry's laugh sounds through the speaker, followed by Louis' own laugh. The two sound so different, different pitches and volume and even lengths, but yet so beautiful together.

"You hit record?" Harry's voice whispers, just barely making it to Louis' ears.

"Yeah baby, just start." He hears himself whisper in the loving voice he hasn't used since two days before Harry left, five days ago now. His chest begins squeezing up as he remembers what this is. Eyes start to slightly burn, tears almost surfacing instantly.

Louis stands up from the bed, leaving the iPod there. He runs his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath as to calm himself. It doesn't do much once he hears Harry's voice countdown from four, slowly and happily.

"All my life I built this armor, and every disguise I ever wore..."

Sliding down the wall, ending up on the ground with his knees hugged to his chest, Louis lets out a small sob at his boyfriend's voice. The words he sings, the way he sings them, simply his voice. Of course Louis knew he missed Harry before this, it was impossible not to, but this is where it really hits him. Like a big stone thrown at his chest. The impact throwing him back, farther from anything happy or relieving. Instead, his need for Harry drowning him.

"....Sometimes it's a battle, at times it's a war, but you're never defenseless..."

Shaking his head Louis feels tears creep down his face, he shouldn't be crying, he shouldn't be this beat up, he shouldn't be feeling like this. He has every right to be mad at Harry, if anything he could just chose not to forgive Harry.

But this f.ucking song.

"...After our time has passed, we're like light through stained glass. We go on and on and on, in the end we're never gone..."

His voice is now singing with Harry's, he hates his voice. Harry said it was so beautiful, the simple falsetto of it, the light way it carries, but Louis won't and wouldn't have that. Granted, his voice is an alright singing voice, but it isn't anything close to what Harry hears.

Regardless, Louis can't help but admire the way his and Harry's voices just fit together. Singing solo seems like a stupid thing to Louis when he really listens. Of course, Harry could sing on his own and Louis would love it, but in comparison Louis' voice alone is horrible.

Insanity // Larry Stylinson Serial Killer AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon