"Help's on the way, I promise." He told me, running with me in his arms and up the stairs to the first floor. There was fire everywhere and I saw very little, but soon we were out in the open, the dark night and fresh air.

"Belle, you okay?" Alex asked as Peter put me down on the grass, and Alex's hands were on my shoulders. "Look at me, are you okay?"

"Someone get Jack!" I screamed, looking back at the building. Part of my team, my boyfriend… the only one I've ever loved. "He's in the basement!"

"Belle, relax." Peter ordered, keeping one of his hands on my shoulder. "Jack will be fine." He assured me as I saw the headlights of the other cars, including one of our own special ambulances.

"Jack… don't leave… don't die…" I pleaded as my vision grew blurry and black, and I was out.

Jack will be fine…


The next thing I remembered was waking up in a hospital bed. Not just anywhere though; the medical room back at work. I didn't remember much, but there was one thing that was haunting me in my head.

I killed someone.

"What happened…?" I asked myself, feeling nauseous and looking around the room. Alex was sitting next to me, placing his hand on my head.

"Your head's still warm… I'll get more meds for you." Alex assured me, but I shook my head.

"Alex, I killed someone." I whimpered, feeling tears start to prick my eyes. "I killed Tori."

"It's okay, Belle. She was a traitor. Working double for the Russians." He assured me, coming over with a glass of water and a pill. "Take that, you'll feel much better."

"You don't understand." I stated, shoving it away, wanting to throw up. "I killed someone."

"It all happens to us eventually." I heard Peter's voice in the room, and saw him to the left of me. "My first kill wasn't pretty either."

"I can't believe…" I breathed, realizing I had an oxygen mask over my face. "I. Killed. Someone."

"I know, I know, but it was necessary, what she did to-" Alex cut himself off, shutting his mouth without a second thought.

"Where's Jack?" I demanded, needing him, his touch, his voice, his love. "Tell me Jack got out of there."

Peter turned back towards me, shifting nervously. "Yeah, he got out of there."

"You know that's not what I meant." I stated, trying to sit up, but Alex rushed over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder before I could.

"Don't move, your shoulder and back are in pretty bad shape." Peter ordered, and I lied back down.

"Answer me, Alex." I ordered, but he turned away so he couldn't look at me. "Tell me Jack got out of there alive."

"Belle…" He started, sitting on the bed and taking my hand. "Jack's dead."

And that was the start of my whole world engulfing me in the pain I never wanted to feel.


I was in the front at his funeral, next to Alex who had an arm around my shoulder the entire time. I felt alone and destroyed, and now, I didn't know what to do. My eyes were so blurry from tears I didn't see half of it, but it was the worst when they were carrying his coffin down the aisle.

I killed someone and Jack is dead. I feel nauseous and heartbroken, and all the people dressed in black weren't helping. But it was extremely bad when they called us up for a final goodbye.

I trudged up the short stairs to the open coffin, seeing him lying with a neutral face and his eyes closed permanently. I leaned over to see him, stroking his hair like I did when he was smiling and laughing, and all the times we had together.

"Jack…" I whispered, feeling multiple tears running down my face. "I love you… so much. I will never stop, no matter what happens. I'm always with you, and you're always with me. Never forget… I'll always love you. Forever." I breathed, watching the tears fall onto his face. I held the red rose in my hand and I placed it in his, wrapping his fingers around it. One of my own team… the love of my life… gone.

I headed down the steps slowly and practically fell into Alex's arms, sobbing on his shoulder. "He's not coming back, Alex." I cried, feeling the guilt all over again. "If I wasn't trapped downstairs-"

"He would've come for you no matter what." He whispered evenly, but I shook my head.

"If Tori wasn't down there or a traitor… if I killed her when I had the chance-"

"Also not your fault."

"It is!" I cried out, and I could hear the other people giving me sympathy. "But I killed her when it was too late."

"Belle…" He soothed, rubbing my back. "Don't go through life thinking any of this was your fault. We will never forget Jack, he was one of our team members."

"I love him." I countered before closing my eyes and deciding not to wipe away the tears. "Nobody can replace him, I will always love him."

"God has decided differently." He assured me, but I kept shaking my head. "He just… wasn't the one for you."

"He was." I countered lowly, looking back at him, and they were getting ready to bury him. "I will never love again."

Teacher and the ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now