Chapter four

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Ok not my best but i hadnt written in a while so i thought i would just get it down so u kno the gist of wat happens next

also i dont kno wat to call this chapter if u have any ideas tell me either in the comments or through a pm

also plz vote and comment


Apon hearing the kings voice the crowd that had barely moved though this whole exchange parted and bowed for the king. The king was a big imposing man . he was very tall and bulky but in the muscular way. The man next to him was also tall but unlike the king he was very skinny. This was Maddock the high wizard of the land. 

 When the guards saw the king they bowed. Lord Ivan being a noble just nodded his head and said "I was going to bring you this urchin " Lord Ivan pointed to Rose "who is pretending to be the crowned princess."

 "I am not pretending anything!" Rose said as she looked at her father. "And that doesn't matter right now. That woman and her son need medical attention." Rose said as she pointed towards Alexandria and Christian.

 The king looked at them and said, "You are correct. Maddock help the woman she looks like she needs it more."

 "yes my king." Maddock said with a bow. Then he walked over to Alexandria.

 The king then looked over at Lord Ivan and he couldn't suppress his anger. You don't attack helpless women and children. Ever. "What happened here...Ivan?"

 At the anger in the kings voice lord Ivan licked his lips and hesitated before he said, "This deluded woman came up to me and started saying nonsense that she was my brothers wife and that i had to give her shelter. So I asked her for proof and she said that my brother had -conveniently- died before he could write a letter. And then I told her I didn't believe her and to leave. But she didn't and continued to harass me." 

 "So you thought it was necessary to hit this defenseless pregnant woman and her son?" 

 "I never hit the boy."

 "Then why is he on the floor?"

 "He tried to attack me so my men grabbed him."

"he only tried to attack you because you were attacking his mother!" Rose said.

 "Why has nobody grabbed this impostor and her Nievian wizard?!" lord Ivan asked. 

 Before Lord Ivan guards could move or Rose and Lucian could tense, the King said, "do not touch my daughter or her friend."

 Ivan looked at the king incredulously " My lord they are obviously impostors and you are a fool if you believe she is the princess."

 "Your right I have been fooled. but not by this. i fooled myself into believing that because my good friend Annabell-god rest her soul- trusted you enough to marry you that I could trust you."

 "What are you saying my lord?"

 "That I have had enough of your ways. And that I want you and your belongings out of the castle seven days hence."

 At this lord Ivan turned bleach white. He took a step closer to the king. "Please my lord don't make a rash decision over a misunderstanding."

 "If attacking a defenseless pregnant woman and calling my daughter a lair is a misunderstanding I want to know what is not misunderstanding to you." When Lord Ivan tried to open his mouth the king said, "no don't answer that you are not wiggling yourself out of this."

 "My lord be-"

 "Be lucky all I'm doing is banishing you back to your homeland, because if i wanted to I could have you hanged!"

 A look of pure evil passed over Ivan's before he said "Ceo!"

 All of a sudden there was a thick fog.

 "What are you doing Ivan." The kings voice boomed through the fog.

 "I'm doing exactly what you told me to do I'm leaving." He said maliciously as he started to laugh."But I'm taking your daughter with me."

 Rose whom had been fumbling around in the fog stopped when she heard that. When she felt an arm go around her and lift her up she screamed. Which was immediately cut off when Ivan put a hand over her mouth.

 "Fira!" Lucian said. but this time the flame did not appear.

 "Again Ivan laughed, "there is no use boy my magic is stronger then both yours and Maddock's!"

 "No Rose!"

"Nonceo!" At this the fog cleared up.


im working on the next chapter it sould be posted soon again vote comment rate like and all that jazz ^.^

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