God and Devil Renewed

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When the World went Black,

When the World went out of whack,

God was dying.

When Hell's light went out,

When Hell's plight was cried out,

Devil was crying.

Death was listening,

Death was forgiving,

Death spoke and they listened.

Off he went with a plan,

tightly clasped in his hand,

To the World his hunt begun.

To replace the pillars of the afterlife,

to ensure safety between the living and the dead,

to find successors of the Great.

His search took him across the world,

to China and Belgium,

Russia and France.

Looking for two, to share the burden,

of two of Death's children.

In the end,

with success around the bend,

Death took away their power,

and with that they retire.

With a new God and Devil,

and their friends behind them,

they set out to protect their realms,

of peace and the other prison.

Can love rip them asunder?

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