Choking, Suffering, Misery and Suffocating

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Choking, suffering,

misery and suffocating.

Plunging my world,

I have no control,

despair unfurled

feels like I'm impaled

by a black pole.

Words pour out of me,

my hearts leaking,

why am I even signing?

Love leaves me,

emotion deserts me,

who are you again?

I am lost and confused,

broken and unwhole,

why am I so cold?

I'm choking, suffering,

misery and suffocating.

Plunging my world,

I have no control,

despair unfurled

feels like I'm impaled

by a black pole.

Here I am,

I think so anyway,

I am in the land of pain.

I see you,

yet so broken,

falling down like a lead feather.

Heavy yet soft looking,

hard yet weak,

I can't help but worry for you.

Here I am,

on my way,

to see the boy of faraway.

You raised your head,

raised your hand.

It was warmer then mine.

We became friends,

we lightened up,

we danced through pain.

Yet I'm choking, suffering,

misery and suffocating.

Plunging my world,

I lost control,

despair unfurled

I'm again impaled

by a black pole.

I broke you bad,

made you cry,

and then to my horror you die.

By your own hand,

you threw out your pump,

and stopped singing your song.

In an act of grief,

I sing my song,

broken and abused,

I sing this song,

for the boy now broken..

I am alone,

in a sea of hurt,

and I broke him bad.

I'm only eleven years old,

yet I know for sure,

I'm here for another nine more

until I am leaking no more.

A/N: Was listening to an anime where a little girl was singing a haunting tune and this... song? came to me. Tell me what you think, I have no idea what made me write it, and this has't been edited since I write it in my normal string of thought method I notice most of my writings seem to follow. Enjoy? it.

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