Can you help me?

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It was already midnight. I looked at my phone and just sighed. Why is jiyong-oppa keeping me here so late? This is torture. I kept taping my pen on the table.

Jiyong had finally come back after his like five times to bathroom in like 2 hours.

"Sorry..." He mumbled and went back to his chair at the conference table.

"Not that I don't love to hang out with you Oppa." I began to say as he took his seat. "But it is midnight and I am suppose to be back here tomorrow at 6 am."

"I know I am sorry." He laid his head on the table. "There is just this big meeting tomorrow and I am suppose to bring them a written song. But I can't get anything out."

"Song about what?"

"I don't know that's the problem." His head was still on the table. "They want the next top charter."

"Ok so sing something that is popular now." I suggested. "What does the public right now listen to?"

"Are you suggesting to steal song lyrics (y/n)?" He finally looked up at me.

"No," I rolled my eyes at him. "I mean what are some popular songs? Then figure out the similarities and then write something with that subject or theme."

"Oh that," He said rolling his eyes and laying his head back down. "I've already done that."

"Ok so what is the theme?"


"Oh," well he said that rather bluntly didn't he. I guess that is what people are liking now a days. But how was I suppose to help him?

"(y/n)?" I looked up to see jiyong staring at me.


"Can I get a girls opinion on something?"


"What turns you on?"

"Well it is different with every girl oppa." Why was he being so informal right now?

"No what turns YOU on." He leaned back in his chair.

"That's a bit personal jiyong-oppa. And we are still at work."

"Please just help me here." He pouted. "Also we've known each other for a long time so just image two friends chatting with each other rather than a boss and his assistant."

"Well I guess," I hesitated but he nodded for me to continue. "I really like it when the man pins me down. Whether it was on a bed or against the wall."

"Ok," He stood up and walked over to the white board. "Continue."

"Ok ummm," I stared down at my hands in my lap. "I really like it when, well when the guy is a bit rough. Not like having bruises rough but just enough to cause a little pain." I was still staring at my hands. I couldn't look up at him. this was getting to embarrassing at this point.

"So," My head jolted up. Jiyong wasn't at the white board. I heard his voice from behind me. His hands swirled the chair around and I was face to face with him. "Is pinning you against a chair considered a turn on?" He was smirking. I happened to glance down and I saw the growing bulge in his pants.

"Oppa?" I slowly raised my gaze back up to him.

"Do you know why I was going to the bathroom all this time?" He leaned down until he was at eye level with me. I shook my head unable to verbally answer him. "I've been dealing with this annoyance in my pants all day. And just trying to fix it myself, well it wasn't really working as you can see. I thought about that a few hours ago. About the sex idea. Then when I was researching you walked in. This tight skirt and see through blouse got to me. Once you left, you left me with a bit of a nuisance for the rest of the day." My eyes widened at his confession.

"jiyong, I...." He shushed me.

"Then once I thought it was over with you came back in. It was happening all day. Now I can't even concentrate on this stupid song writing business. Even if you left me by myself I would have had you in my head all night. and when you asked if I needed help and you offered to stay, well I just couldn't turn that down." He smirked. "So my question now is," He paused and got even closer. "Can you help me with this problem?"

It all happened so fast. All I did was nod and he had me out of the chair and pushed up against the wall. His hands traveling down my body. His lips and tongue now exploring my mouth.

I had no idea how much I honestly wanted him. Yes he was attractive, and yes we had been my friend for a while now, but to me he was just jiyong. My cute , handsome , cool , fashionis , and childish friend at times. But this jiyong, this mixing was completely different.

"I would love to continue this foreplay (y/n)-ah." He pulled me over to the table and picked me up and put me on top of it. "But you have been driving me mad all day and I can't take it anymore."

He unzipped his pants and helped me push my skirt up to my hips. He pushed my panties to the side. I felt his tip at my entrance and I moaned for the first time. I felt him twitch in front of me. He grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled back a little so my face was looking up at him.

"Say my name..."

"Oppaaa." I moaned. He yanked at my hair.

"Noo my name (y/n)-ah." He whispered into my ear.

"jiyong..." I moaned back. "Ahhh!" He thrusted into me. Still having a hold of my hair he thrusted into me and into me hard. I had to prop my hands behind me to steady myself as he continued his pounding.

"Fuck I have been thinking about this all day..." He moaned out. He finally let my hair go and grabbed my hips to get more leverage in his thrusts.

"Oppa!" He found my spot. I finally laid back onto the table.

"God you are beautiful!" He pulled me to the end of the table and picked my legs up over his shoulders. Still holding onto my hips, his pumps started to get faster and faster.

"JIYONG!" I yelled as I hit my climax. My back arched up and I began to shake.

"Al...most there..." He moaned out and then I felt him explode inside of me.

Both of us waited for a moment. We were both trying to catch our breaths. Jiyong slowly lowered my legs and helped me sit up.

"Damn," He said smiling at me.

"Yeah," I said smiling back. Neither of us have ever told or said to each other that we liked the other. So this was a big deal. Also not to mention I was his assistant and well this isn't good on his career.

"I shouldn't have done that." I fixed my clothes and tried to get off the table. But there was a problem. My legs wouldn't let me walk. As I tried to walk I stumbled and jiyong caught me.

"Are you ok?" He sounded worried.

"Yeah just a bit sore I guess." I shyly smiled.

"Oh," getting what I was trying to tell him, he helped me to a chair to sit.

"So did that help you?" I embarrassedly asked.

"Well it helped my problem yes," He chucked a bit. "But for the song no..." He trailed off. "Maybe now that you're off my mind I can try and write something."

"Oh," why was I sad about that? Did I want him to think of me like this?

"Hey," He placed his finger under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. "How about we get you home ok? You can have tomorrow off. I think I may cancel the meeting and call in sick as well."

"But won't you get in trouble?"

"By who?" He laughed. "I'm the boss remember. Now lets get you home."

Little did I know he wasn't talking about my home. He was talking about his...

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