Changing things up

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"So...You really want to try it?" You looked up at Jiyong, your head still resting on his chest as you rubbed lazy circles on his clothed toned body.

"Yeah. I mean, I play the Dom all of the time. I want to see what it's like to be in your shoes. Can you act as a Dom, or would that make you uncomfortable?" He looked back down at you, eyes full of concern. You returned his gaze with a smile.

"I guess I never told you this. You're not my first Dom/Sub relationship babe. In my last one, I was the Dom. I have no issue dominating, as long as you have no issue subbing." His eyes widened at your words."That's...kinda hot, ok." You chuckled at his excited expression."So, we've already talked out some hypotheticals. Do you want to stick to those, or are they a bit much?" He bit his lip, looking up at the ceiling as he played with your hair aimlessly.

"Can we just not do any...ya know...butt stuff yet?" You chuckled, knowing that that was exactly what he would ask for.

"Got it. No things in the butt. Anything else?"

"Nah, the rest sounds good." He grinned down at you with that classic grin he had and you sat up off of him.

"Great. Let's go get ready then! No one's gonna be here to interrupt us today!"

"Wait, right now?" You stopped in the hallway, turning back to face him.

"Do you not want to?" You quirked an eyebrow at him. Jiyong was always up for sex, so the fact that he sounded surprised was a bit of a shock to you. He jumped up off the couch and ran up to you.

"No, I do, I just wasn't expecting you to want to do it already." You grinned, getting up on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear.

"Babe, I'm always ready for you." He shuddered, grabbing your hand as you walked to the bedroom. Locking the door behind you, you turned to face Jiyong. "Let's start." Your smile fell from your face, replaced with a stern stare. "Sit." You pointed to the bed and Jiyong was quick to follow your orders. "Now be a good little boy while Mistress goes to get herself changed." You turned to your walk-in closet, closing yourself in to get dressed. You had to admit, you missed being the Dom. It gave you a real rush. Now, you loved being a Sub to Jiyong, but it would be nice to get back to how you use to be.

You knew exactly what you were going to wear, pawing through a box of old clothes and toys from before you moved. You pulled out your sheer black corset and matching panty/stocking set and quickly changed into it. Jiyong loved you in black and lace was his weakness. You were about to have him a whimpering mess and you couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. After you were dressed, you grabbed out a bright red ball gag, so black handcuffs, a red silk blindfold, and a black fur covered paddle. You cleaned off what needed to be cleaned with some sanitizing wipes you kept with the toys before heading back out to the bedroom. Jackson was there waiting patiently for you. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head when he saw you walking towards him.

"Babe, you look amazing." Your heart swelled at the complement, but you were playing a Dom right now, and Jiyong had just broken two rules. You shook your head in disapproval.

"Now now, you know the rules. You will address me as Mistress, and you will only speak when spoken to. It seems as though I already have to punish you." Jiyong's mouth snapped shut and you saw a bit of concern cross over his eyes. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes." You slapped the paddle against the palm of your hand with a snap and he jumped. "Yes Mistress!"

"Good boy. Now, shirt and pants off. Leave your boxers on." He jumped up, quickly ridding himself of his clothes before sitting back down. You strutted up to him like a cat stalking its prey, getting right in his face. "Lay down and grab the headboard bards." Jiyong moved into your desired position, gripping the bars tightly. You smiled at him, grabbing the handcuffs before climbing on the bed and straddling his waist. You laid the cuffs on his chest, slowly running them around his skin. "Don't even think about letting go of those bars," you hissed as you continued to torture him. You saw goosebumps rising up on his flesh from the cold metal. When you had your fun, you reached up over his head and snapped the cuffs around his wrists and the bed. As you sat back up, you dragged your nails down his arms and chest gently.

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