Yoongi Imagine

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My P.O.V

I'm too tired to go anywhere to eat. I decided to go a near cafe and see what they are offering.

I searched for a while and I didn't find any cafe..

"Aren't here any cafe's around.." I mumbled to myself..

Finally I saw a small cafe and I decided to go in.

It seemed warm and cozy.. I looked around and there weren't almost no one.

I went to the counter and I saw the cutest guy ever.

He had blond short hair and dark chocolate eyes.

"H-hi." I said and he looked at me.

"Hey, what can I get you?" He asked and leaned on the counter.

"One coffee please" I said and lost into his eyes.

"Okay then. Just a moment" he said and started making my coffee.

It took a minute and my coffee was ready.

"Here you go" he said and gave my coffee.

"Thank you" I said and smiled to him.

He smiled back.

I went to sit near the counter so that I could see him.

He has a beautiful smile. And those hands. Just so perfect.

He noticed that I was looking him and he laughed and smiled to me.

I was embarrased and smiled shyly back to him.

I finished my coffee and I was making my way out when suddenly I heard someone yelling something to me.

"Have nice day!" He yelled and waved.

"You too!" I yelled back and as soon as I turned my back to him, I almost fainted because of happiness.

I went back to my house and the whole way there, I thought him.

~~ Time skip ~~

For several weeks now I have been in that cafe and staring that guy.

I found out that his name is Yoongi and that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Everytime I go there, I order a cup of coffee and go to sit to the same spot.

I think he has noticed that I like him because I only order when it's his turn on the counter.

I wanna ask him out with me but there is always too many people listening when I'm about to ask.

This time I decided to wrote a note and give that to him.

I took a peace of paper from my purse and wrote:

"Hey, I'm really interested in you. Wanna get to know me?"

That sounded a little awkward.. Oh never mind.

I waited a while and he appeared to the counter again.

I stood up and went to the counter. He noticed that and lift his head up.

I gave the paper to him and looked him into the eyes. Then I walked away.

Now I have done it. Now I just wait for the answer.

~~ The next day ~~

I walked to the cafe again and there he was again. I'm nervous.

I went to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. Nothing. He just smiled as usual.

I went to the same spot and drank my coffee.. I made myself look like an idiot.

How could a gorgeous man like him go out with a girl like me..

I'm weak, I wear glasses and I have dark circles under my eyes.

Suddenly a chair was moving next to me and it was him.

He sat next to me and asked my name.

"Y/N" I said and looked him.

"Well, Y/N, I would love to get to know you. I was waiting when you are going to ask me out." He said and smiled.

"Oh.. This is surprising."

"What is?"

"That you would go out with me.." I said and looked down.

"Well, I don't judge people by their looks." He said and smiled his beautiful smile to me.

"Give me your number" he said and handed me a peace of paper.

I wrote my number on it and gave it to him.

"Thanks. I'll call ya." He said and stood up.

I can't believe this is happening!! I actually made it!

This is probably the best day of my life!

Here you go! I tried to make this cute but I don't know.. Let me know what do you think!

Thanks Janeite93 for the idea! You really helped a lot!

Keep requesting people! I really wanna know what do you wanna read!

Comment, vote and thanks for reading!

(Sorry for any mistakes. I wrote this again when I was really tired..)

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