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Luhan's POV 

Suho led all of them through what looked like Seoul. Luhan was confused because he hardly remembered anything about Seoul but somehow Suho knew where to go. Luhan wondered where they were actually going. Suho walked by a couple of girls who looked like they wanted their autographs or something. But why would they want their autographs? They weren't famous. Were they?? Or was Luhan missing something? But anyways, Suho led them into a store to buy some food. In the labyrinth, they never got hungry but as soon as they got out, it was like they hadn't eaten for such a long time that when they got out of the forest, Luhan's stomach was hurting. He guessed that marshmallows and a couple of hot dogs weren't enough for any of them. 

They all decided to order their food. Everyone got a big plate of food and all of Luhan's friends were going to split the pay with each other. He stared at his food as Lay and Kai sat beside him and ate their food. Luhan wondered what they would all be doing now. They still had the gloves that controlled their powers on their hands. None of them had wanted to take them off when they left the labyrinth. Luhan followed Suho with Xiumin walking beside him. Suho kept on leading them to who knows where. Luhan just hoped that Suho would be leading all of them to a safe place to practice their powers. They had talked about finding a safe place for a little while but couldn't think of anywhere to go so they just kept on wandering the streets. 

Suho looked at a sign that showed how long they had been in the labyrinth for. In reality it was only about one year but it felt like five years by how long it actually took to get everyone there. Time probably went by faster back at the labyrinth. But if people asked them, then they were gone for five years because that's what it felt like in that labyrinth. Luhan continued to walk beside Xiumin as they searched for a place to stay. Chen and Chanyeol ran in front of Suho and to a set of doors that looked like it would go underground. Chanyeol broke down the door and the rest of them followed Chen and Chanyeol. 

Luhan found a light switch and turned it on. It was an abandoned subway underground. Suho locked the door behind them and they walked down the stairs to the underground section. It was a pretty big place to practice their powers in. There was just enough space to have a sleeping area, a eating area and a mini kitchen. Luhan was excited that Chen and Chanyeol had seen this place. Suho decided to go shopping for some supplies for a kitchen and probably went to go get some sleeping bags or something for them to sleep in while they stayed there. Mostly everyone left with Suho except for Luhan, Kai, Lay and Sehun. 

All four of them decided to sit down in a circle and tell each other what happened to each of them in the labyrinth. By the time all of them had finished telling the stories, Suho and the others had come back with the furniture that they would be using as they stayed there. Luhan and the other three who stayed back helped put the furniture together and Suho found a plug for the fridge and stove. Chanyeol, Kai and Baekhyun put the sleeping bags in the sleeping area and came back to help them with the rest of the furniture that they had to put up, which was mostly the little chairs they were going to use to sit and the low table they bought to eat food. Chen and Xiumin put away the groceries and D.O decided to cook something for them. 

Suho told them that they should probably be practicing their new powers since for some reason, Suho could control his power at will when no one seemed to be able to do that. But probably they just have to focus really hard on the powers and when their out of control, to make them disappear from their hands. Luhan grabbed a sleeping bag and decided to try and focus his powers on it. His power was telekinesis and he can control objects. 

Luhan took off the gloves and focused both his hands on the sleeping bag. It started to float a little bit higher each time he concentrated harder on the sleeping bag. It seemed to be working until he had to drop his hands quickly because Chen had started floating off the ground while trying to practice his lightning power. Luhan bowed his head in apology and Chen bowed back to show that it was okay. Luhan put the gloves back on his hands and decided to get into the sleeping bag until dinner because it wouldn't be ready for a while. Luhan fell asleep with the flat screen playing the news channel. 

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