Lay Goes Missing

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Xiumin's POV

Sun Ha didn't talk to anyone for the rest of the week. She wasn't eating. Even when D.O cooked her rice and chicken. Xiumin wanted to help her but he didn't know how. He had returned from a hunt with the other wolves only to find Chanyeol hugging Sun Ha as she cried. Chanyeol had carried her into the extra bedroom and laid her down on the bed and she fell asleep. Sun Ha got really sick after that and she didn't want to be taken to a hospital. 

Xiumin had asked Chanyeol why she was crying but he didn't know. He had just came back home in wolf form and transformed into a human as soon as he saw that she was crying. Lay didn't come back from their hunt though. Chen and Luhan had noticed that he wasn't with them after they had caught another deer to eat. Luhan and Chen had searched for him with Baekhyun and Suho but came up empty. 

Luhan dabbed a cloth on Sun Ha's forehead as she slept. She slept more often then normal and when they weren't searching for Lay, they were trying to take care of Sun Ha. Xiumin ran into the room one day because he had heard Sun Ha coughing a lot. He poured her a glass of water and helped her sit up as she drank the water. She finally stopped coughing and fell back asleep. Luhan got up and left the room to go search again for Lay. D.O came in with a tray of food and Xiumin decided to wake her up. 

Sun Ha slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. Xiumin sat down on the bed and Chanyeol walked into the room and helped her sit up slowly. Chanyeol walked out of the room again to join the others to help search. Xiumin tried to give Sun Ha the tray of food but she shoved it away and D.O caught it before it could reach the floor. 

"Sun Ha, you have to eat!" Xiumin said, after D.O handed him the tray again and joined Chanyeol and the others in the search for Lay. 

"I don't want too!" Sun Ha screamed at him. 

"Just eat this! I know your hungry. You haven't eaten for a week, no matter what we have brought to give you..." Xiumin says. 

"I just don't want to eat anything..." Sun Ha mumbled. 

"Please Sun Ha... D.O made this for you. I have to go help them find Lay... He's missing." Xiumin said, getting up and handing her the tray, this time she took it instead of throwing it away. 

Sun Ha grabbed onto his arm just as he was about to walk away from her. 

"What happened to Lay?" She asked. 

"We don't know yet but I'll tell you if anything comes up." Xiumin said and left the room. 

Xiumin walked down the stairs and saw that Chanyeol and D.O were waiting for him. All three of them walked outside, closed the front door and turned into wolves. Chanyeol sniffed along the grass for about 5 minutes. Xiumin and D.O waited patiently behind him, and suddenly Chanyeol started to run. Xiumin and D.O ran alongside Chanyeol and suddenly, Xiumin smelled it too. It was the scent of Lay. But as a wolf. 

They arrived near a hill and saw that a wolf was lying down on his side. Blood coming from his neck. Xiumin, Chanyeol and D.O transformed into humans and ran down the hill. The wolf had Lay's eyes. The marks on his neck looked like a vampire bit him. Xiumin inspected the wound. It was really deep. Chanyeol picked Lay up and carried him in his arms. They went back to the house and saw that everyone else was there. Sun Ha was down there with them with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. 

Lay's eyes were open and he unexpectedly turned into a human. Xiumin grabbed a bandage and some medication to help heal Lay's neck. Lay was breathing very fast. His chest rising and lowering at a fast speed. Xiumin got him to take the medicine and he wrapped the bandage around Lay's neck just as Lay lost consciousness. 

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