Exo in the Forest

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Chanyeol's POV

Chanyeol wanted to tell Sun Ha what they were so badly. He knew that he would turn into a wolf at any moment. Chanyeol didn't know how to control his new found powers yet. He wanted to know how he got these powers because he couldn't remember at all. The other members were sitting down in the forest with him, Sun Ha was sleeping in the room at the school. Chanyeol transformed into a black and brown wolf suddenly and ran to catch up with his other members who had run up ahead. Chanyeol ran beside Xiumin (a white wolf), they were following the scent of a white-tailed deer.

Once they caught sight of it, Suho ran ahead of them and they all separated. Suho ran at a slow pace around the deer. Once Chanyeol becomes a wolf, he loses what makes him human and gains wolf senses. Chanyeol just gets instincts about how and when to turn back into a human. Suho stalked up to the deer on his belly. Chanyeol and the rest of his friends all stalked in a tight circle. The deer was too busy eating the grass to notice Xiumin, Suho and Chanyeol. Chanyeol launched himself at the deer and it crumpled under his weight.

Chanyeol killed the deer and they all started to eat. He knew that he would be missing something but since he couldn't remember it, he just didn't know what to do. He let the rest of pack eat first because he liked to let them all eat first. Lay and Kai came over to him and got him to go over to the deer and eat his share of the meal before it was all gone since he was the one who caught it for his pack. All of his pack finished eating their share and Chanyeol approached the deer with Lay beside him. Chanyeol ate the rest of the deer and they all continued running until they come upon a lake that they could drink at.

Chanyeol suddenly started to shift back into a human without his wolf brain telling him too. The other wolves followed what he was doing. His uniform appeared on his body and he suddenly got a headache. After you become a human after being a wolf, you get a piercing headache and so when your shifting is out of control like it his for Chanyeol and the rest of them, you get a bad headache.

He lay down on his back and looked up at the stars that had appeared in the sky once the sun had gone down. Chanyeol didn't even notice that it was night time until he realized that the sun had disappeared and it was replaced with the moon. He remembered that the full moon was tomorrow and that when your a werewolf, you stayed shifted the whole day no matter what. He soon realized, after the headache went away, that he would be missing school. Chanyeol hoped that Sun Ha wouldn't get bullied again like she did today.

Chanyeol and the rest of the pack ran to Suho's home that was near this part of the forest. Chanyeol knew that he would definitely turn into a werewolf as soon as he woke up. His friends all ran into the house before anybody could see 12 teens going into one house in the forest. People believe in werewolves so they have to be careful with who they can trust.

Chanyeol didn't know how long they would be gone for. But he knew it would be for a week or longer.

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