Finding Sun Ha

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Suho's POV

Suho followed Luhan as Luhan found Sun Ha's scent. Suho wondered why he could also smell a vampire near her. He didn't want to admit what he thought might have happened to Sun Ha and who might have taken her. Suho didn't want to worry the other wolves. After all, he was supposed to be their leader who helped them. But he also didn't want to keep his worries from them.

Luhan led them all to another house that was also deep within the forest. Kai shifted into a human and knocked on the door. With no answer, he kicked the door open and all of the other wolves ran inside. Suho shifted into a human and so did the rest of the wolves. The house was empty, but they could hear a soft crying from the basement. Chen slowly walked over to the door and opened it. The crying was coming from the far right corner of the room. Chen looked at Suho and slowly walked down the stairs into the basement. Everyone followed Suho and Chen down the stairs. D.O found the light and flicked it on.

Suho saw Sun Ha in the corner. Ropes tied around her legs and wrists. D.O and Baekhyun ran over to untie them. She had tears going down her cheeks.

Suho wondered why he still smelled a vampire nearby the house. Kris ran back up the stairs and ran to the deck. Suho followed closely behind him. Kris hid behind a counter and strained to listen to the conversation that was going on outside the doors. Suho recognized the two voices as Yongguk's and Himchan's.

"Why did you make me kidnap that girl?" Himchan shouted.

"She's important to Chanyeol." Yongguk responded.

"You used my psychic powers to find the person he cares about..." Himchan said.

"It worked to our advantage." Yongguk sighed.

"Yongguk, you have to stop using our unique powers for your own gain. I don't care if you made us like this. Just stop." Himchan frowned.

"Did I ask to be born a vampire? No. Did I ask any of you if you wanted to become one? Nope. But once we all became friends, my parents died by the hands of vampire hunters. I turned you all into vampires for my own gain. But you have no right to talk to me like this." Yongguk said angrily.

"We are the same age Yongguk..." Himchan said.

"I don't care about age. But you don't get it, by turning Sun Ha into a vampire, we now have one more vampire! We have 6 vampires again! Zelo is still gone and none of us have any idea where he is but that's okay!" Yongguk says.

"Your so selfish..." Himchan mumbles underneath his breath.

"What did you say?!" Yongguk yelled.

"Your selfish, we are still the last six vampires!" Himchan yells back.

"You never agreed with me... maybe I should take away your powers." Yongguk shouted.

"Wait what-" Himchan was about to say something but Yongguk ran at him, bit his neck and began taking away his vampire powers.

Kris caught Suho's eye and Suho shook his head. Suho knew that Kris wanted to interfere. But they couldn't interrupt. Suho didn't want Yongguk to take anymore werewolves powers away. Yongguk dropped Himchan onto the ground and ran away once he heard something. Suho and Kris ran onto the deck and Kris shook him awake. Himchan slowly opened his eyes. Himchan didn't have vampire fangs when he opened his mouth. Suho and Kris helped Himchan sit up and they went inside. The rest of the wolves were all waiting with an unconscious Sun Ha on the couch.

"Why are all of you wolves here?" Himchan asked.

"To get Sun Ha back from you." Suho answers.

"You can't take her yet. She needs training." Himchan says.

"What do you mean?" D.O asks.

"Yongguk turned her into a vampire. If you lift up her scarf, you can see the bite marks." Himchan said.

Tao went to lift up the scarf and gasped when he saw the deep bite marks. Chen slowly put the scarf back over the marks. Tao turned to face Suho and nodded his head to show that Himchan was telling the truth.

"We will still take her back... But never tell Yongguk that we were here." Suho tells Himchan.

"Sure, but don't get mad at me if Yongguk or the others come looking for her and find out that you all took her away from them." Himchan says.

"Don't worry about us Himchan, we'll be fine. You better go find Zelo and tell him what happened." Kris said.

"Okay I will. I hope to see you all again." Himchan said and ran out the door, in search of Zelo.

Kris decided to be the one to carry Sun Ha on his back. The rest of them would lead Kris back to their house. Luhan and Suho set out in front of them. Suho and the wolves all returned to their house and shifted back as they walked through the front door. Chanyeol and Lay were siting on a couch, watching a movie. Chanyeol turned around as they entered and Lay paused the movie. Just as Sun Ha woke up and bit Kris.

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