Luhan and Xiumin's Power

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Xiumin's POV

Xiumin led Suho to where he had last seen Luhan. He kept on running alongside Suho as they rounded another corner. Xiumin suddenly saw Luhan lying down on the ground as soon as they went around another corner. Luhan had on of his arms across his eyes and the other arm just lying flat on the ground. His legs straight. Suho ran faster as soon as he saw Luhan on the ground. Xiumin caught up to him and tried to wake Luhan up. Suho kneels beside Luhan and slowly takes his arm off of his closed eyes.

Suddenly, Xiumin hears a gasp coming from Luhan. He must have succeeded with waking Luhan up. Suho and Xiumin hugged Luhan and he seemed too tired to hug them back but Luhan had a smile on his face. Suho grabbed one of Luhan's arms and Xiumin grabbed the other. Luhan's feet dragged behind him. They had to walk all the way back to the exit so it would take a longer time to get there because they had to help Luhan. Xiumin exchanged glances with Suho and Suho nodded back. They would have to explain how Chen, Chanyeol and Sehun all have powers now and that they would probably get powers to.

"Xiumin-hyung, how did you find me?" Luhan asked.

"I have no idea. I think I was running around, trying to find the exit when I found you." Xiumin says.

"I've already found the exit. I brought Chen, Chanyeol and Sehun there." Suho said.

"Are they okay? Have you found anyone else?" Luhan asks.

"They are fine. But I have to explain something to you that might be hard to understand." Suho says.

"What is it?" Luhan asked.

"When I left the labyrinth with Chen and Chanyeol, both of them suddenly got powers. Sehun did too. But I have a feeling that before I get powers, I have to rescue everyone here." Suho said.

"So does that mean that when Xiumin-hyung and I leave, we will get powers too?" Luhan asks.

"Ne, I'm pretty sure." Suho answers.

They continue walking towards the exit and this time Suho could tell that they were getting close. Five of his friends were going to get super powers. He wished he could help them but he knows that he can't because of the fact that he is supposed to save the rest of his friends from this labyrinth and get them out. Xiumin pointed up ahead and Suho could see the exit coming up. Luhan told them that he could walk on his own now. They let go of him and Luhan stumbled a little bit but soon found his balance. Xiumin, Luhan and Suho ran towards the exit.

Xiumin saw Chen, Chanyeol and Sehun sitting around the fire, just like how they had left them. Apparently there was food because all three of them were roasting marshmallows on sticks they must have found lying around somewhere. Chen looked up and popped the marshmallow into his mouth. Xiumin waved at them and suddenly snow came out of his hand. He grabbed his hand and pushed it down but that didn't work so he sat down on the ground and touched the grass with one of his hands. The grass suddenly turned white as snow and it spread as far as he could see. It quickly turned into ice and Chen handed him a pair of gloves. Xiumin put them on and all of the snow on the ground disappeared.

Luhan looked at Xiumin, his mouth wide open in shock. Xiumin nodded his head. His new powers were to show Luhan that he would get powers too. Luhan suddenly saw a branch floating in the area and he looked down at his hand to see that his hands were controlling it. Luhan wanted to stop so he put his hand down really fast and the log slammed onto the ground. Chanyeol handed him a pair of gloves and put them on. The gloves seemed to keep his powers from flowing out. Suho ran back into the labyrinth to try and find other members. Xiumin guessed that he wouldn't be able to go back into the labyrinth because of their new powers. 

"Yah. Luhan-hyung, do you want to see our new powers?" Chanyeol asks. 

"Umm... sure Chanyeol." Luhan stammered. 

Chanyeol lifted up one of his gloves and pointed it towards a tree. Flames burst from his hand and fire soared to the tree, it instantly caught on fire. But when Chanyeol put his glove back on, the flames died out. Next was Chen, who stood up from his spot. Luhan watched as Chen took off his glove and lightning sparked off of his fingers. Chen pointed to the same tree that Chanyeol had just set on fire. The lightning crackled and sparked until it hit the tree, causing it to catch on fire and Chen put the glove back on so that the flames would disappear. Sehun took off one of his gloves next. Wind swirled around him. He pointed to the same tree and with a ton of force, knocked the tree away. Luhan stared wide-eyed at Sehun. Xiumin did the same thing. Sehun was going to become powerful... Xiumin hoped that they could train him as soon as they got out of here. 

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