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Lapis shoved her way through the debris, but tried hard not to be noticed. If that large orange Gem found her, or even Peridot...

She didn't want to think about what might happen.

With a groan of exhaustion and struggle, she pushed aside the final panel above her. The sky was red, her own skin appearing more of a dull gray than a dark blue.

She looked around. There was all of the Crystal Gems... and that orange Gem. She thought she remembered her name, she was pretty sure it was Jasper.

She quickly jutted her wings out of her Gem and leaped into the air, praying she could just get out of here and that this nightmare would be over. A firm hand grabbed her by her ankle and pulled her back.

Before she knew it, she was fusing with the large, strong gem. Her mind flickered back to the time her and Peridot had fused, but she pushed the thought away.

"Lapis, don't do it!"

I'm doing this for you, Steven.

Meanwhile, miles and miles away, Peridot's escape pod hit the ground hard, releasing a puff of smoke. She crawled out, laying on the ground in exhaustion, wiggling her way out of the purple one's whip.

What's going on? Where's Lapis? Twitch. Why should I care? I know my mission.

Memories- A LapiDot fanficWhere stories live. Discover now