The Big Seceret

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Your Pov~
We walked along the muddy path of the rainforest until we reached the treehouse. We all stood quite since we've gotten there. Not a word was said. Just sad faces. Even Wilford SepteyeBoss was looking down in the dumps! It looks like its going to rain again.....whoopdey doo more rain!! Mark closed all of the windows then sat in a corner. Jack curled up and was thinking. Wilford SepteyeBoss sat staring at a banana on the floor and didn't even squeak. I watched and listened to the silence. It was way too quite. I broke the silence.
"Um. So,.....what are we going to do?"
No words.
"Anything fun?"
Still nothing.
"C'mon guys! I know we lost a close one today but we can't be sad forever!! We have to find ways to make us smile!!"
Wilford SepteyeBoss climbs on my shoulder, nods, then begins to smile. As soon as Jack and Mark seen the monkeys face, a smile began to break upon their faces. Sooner than you think, everybody in the room was smiling!!
"Appearantly he was a help in this group!!" Mark said with a slight laugh.
Nodding our heads we see the moon rising, the sun dropping low. It was getting dark. And rain clouds began to form again so we had to stay inside. But we did have one thing to do!
Jack's pov~

Well since we had the whole night I thought of something to do in the treehouse!!
Everybody rose up. Then Mark spoke.
"But Jack! We don't have music or anything!"
I gave a bit of a smirk.
"Well let's just say I have been holding something....."
I pull out my phone and show everybody. They looked shocked.
Mark tackled me!! He was furious!!
I seen the look on y/n face, Marks, and Wilford. I had to fess up.
"I did.....and I'm sorry. But the thing is, I likeed spending time with you guys. We may have lost one, but we have each other now. Plus, my phone doesn't have any bars right now...."
Mark looked dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say. He sat down. He was thinking to himself.
"Sorry if I didn't let ye all know. I'm really  really sorry"
"Yeah you're sorry!! Suuure!!! We could have left this island since the day we got here!!! But YOU!!!! YOU JUST COULDN'T TELL US ANYTHING!!!"
Mark's face was really red. I've never seen him yell at me like that in my life! But what he said hurt my feelings. I started to sniffle.....then cry. I ran outside in the rain. I ran all the way to the waterfall and hugged my knees and cried. I've never felt so unloved by anybody.......

Your pov~

I  looked at Mark with a confused face.
"What were you Thinking? You just....yell at your best friend?"
"Look im sorry for ye-"
"No. Dpnt even talk to me right now...........Think about what you've done Fischbach."
I ran outside looking for Jack. Mark sat there. Sad.....but I kept running. I soon then found Jack. Sitting on a rock, looking into the water at his reflection. I walked over to him. I sat next to him and watched the water too. I needed to say something.
"So about the fight...."
"I...I don't want to talk about that right now...."
"But I'm sure Mark can forgive you! He's your best friend"
Jack pulled out something from his shirt. It was a best friend necklace. I seen one of those on Mark before. He stared at it then clenched it tight.
"Not anymore......."
He stood up then gathered his strength and ripped it off and threw it into the waterfall. He then had teary eyes. But he wiped them away and sat back down.
"I just.....I just want a real friend.....A f-friend who can care and love me......but no one can be like that!! Everyone in this world have to be cruel!!! SHITLOADS OF DOUCHE BAGS!!!!"
I stare at him as he explains. I wrap my arms around him and kisses his lips for at least five minutes straight!! It calmed him down. He kissed me also. I then stopped and looked his ocean blue eyes. He stared right back. I didn't even notice his hand position. One was stroking my cheek and the other was around my waist. And my hands were in a weird position too. One hand was holding the back of his head and the other was around his neck.
Awwwwkward. We stared into each others eyes again. He leaned in AGAIN. But, I leaned in too. Shit..... Our lips touched again. But this time, our tongues met each other!!!
Oh shit oh shit!! Fuuuuck!!!
We both got so into it that tiny noises came out of our mouths!! Our hands were just.....EVERYWHERE!! Though we enjoyed it! Dayum!! Greatest kiss ever!! I have no idea how long we kept it up for but the next thing you knew, we were both on the floor. We both heard a noise so we stopped the kiss. I got up from Jack and looked around. The noise was coming closer. Jack got up to and looked around too.
"This way."
He points to the forest and I followed him. He stopped me.
"Stay here"
I nodded and he walked into the forest. 5 minutes later I heard him scream!! He runs out.
I look into the rainforest. Something came running fast!! It was a massive jaguar!! And he didn't look too happy! I ran with Jack.
"NO SHIT!!!"
We ran and ran! Just then, we heard the jaguar yelp. Jack and I stopped to see a shadow walking our way. It came closer and closer. Jack and I walked backwards slowly. The shadow came closer and closer.
Jack said in a terrified and shaky voice. The shadow appeared to shape. showed itself. He was dragging the jaguar in his left hand. He had a knife in the other. His first was entirely ripped and so were his Pants. His hair was a mess!!
Jack and I said together.
"Yeah. It's me."
Jack crossed his arms.
"What are ye doin' here Mark?"
"I came to apologize."
He throws the jaguar and knife on the floor.
"You won't apologize for shit Mark!! You hurt my feelings!!"
"And that's why I've come here to say I'm sorry..."
He hugs Jack tightly. Jack was just surprised. He slowly hugged back. It was the most cutest thing ever!!
"So Jack. Can you call someone to pick us up?"
Jack looks down then at Mark.
"What day is it?"
Jack looks at his phone.
"Monday....Yeah I can."
He starts calling. He walks around and talks. He explains how we got here and how it happened. He had a smile and turned his phone off. I ran to him.
"What did they say?"
"Lucky us, they are 5 minutes away!!"
"A news helicopter!!"
Mark smiles then Frowns.
"To be sure going to miss it here."
Jack nodded.
"Me too."
I look at them both and I give em both a big hug.
"Im going to miss you guys!!"
Just then Wilford SepteyeBoss bounced on top of Marks fluffy head. Mark thought.
"Who's taking Wilford?"
We all stare at each other. Jack scratches behind his head and coughs.
"Coughs I can take him cough"
I look at him.
"Are you sure you can handle him? I don't want you getting in trouble by any Irishmen. Or your family"
He holds me in his arms and boops my nose.
"Ya know I can Snickerdoodle!!"
I giggle a little.
"Haha stop it Jackaboy!!"
Mark watches. Annoyed but happy to see that I was happy.
"WELLLLL.....I think we should be going! I hear the helicopter!!"
Mark runs. And to my surprise, there was a helicopter! It let down the rope and Jack gave me a quick kiss! He jumps onto the ladder and climbs up. Then Mark jumps on, then little Septiceyeboss! I jumped on right after and we took flight!
We haven't thought about it. But then again.....I always wanted to visit someplace.....
"TAKE Paris!!!
Jack and Mark's faces were so happy!! They both hugged and so did little Septiceyeboss!!
" OKAY!!"
They flew us.....Straight to Paris.

Hey guys!!! Enjoying the story? Great!! 1 last chapter for this book!! Don't worry!! Book 2 will be out sometime!! So calm your horses down!!! So next chapter will possibly be done tomorrow!! Oh and thanks for all of those reads and all of these friends and followers!! Each day is someone new!! Thank yooouu!!! Now I gtg so love you all!!! Buh bye!!!

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