Goodbye L.A, Hello Hawaii

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"Top of to the Morning to ya laddies!!!!"
My alarm just went off! I knew I shouldn't have implanted it into my Sam Septiceye plush. It was right by my ear!! But anyways I should get up. Wow. Why did I set it to 6:30? I'm such a douche! Should I take a shower? Nah I'll take one once I'm done eating.


Cereal or pancakes? Cereal is quicker! I'll eat that. As I'm eating my cereal I hear footsteps. Please be mom! Please be mom!! Mom came in the room! Phew! I thought that was a ghost. Mom looks a little drousy. I probably woke her up. Oops.....well nothing I can do about it now. Finishes eating Wasn't a big breakfast but it was good enough to fill me up! Mom just made her coffee so she should be fine for now. Now I can take a quick shower.

After that

Great! I'm ready! Now all I need to do is get my bags ready. I'll bring every single thing I need on a flight. Like my hair straightener, hair curler, makeup, clothes, Tiny Box Tim plushie, Sam Septiceye plushie, my phone, my laptop, my video camera, Cheez-Its, and some other crap that I don't know. What!? I just picked stuff I like.....and possibly need. Now that my little brother Sam is awake and mom and him are getting ready, I can watch some Markiplier and Jacksepticeye! And maybe fall asleep. I'll finish watching the Sims 4 of Jacksepticeye then all of Among the sleep with Markiplier. It's only 8:05. I have an hour. I think. I don't know but let me get to Watching.

Mom calls you to go into the car

Coming mom!! I pick up my bags and race my little brother out of the door to the car. Of course I was faster than him but I let him win. We all put our bags in and went into the car. We all put on our seatbelts and mom drove. As she got on the freeway, I took out my phone and earphones and listened to Markiplier: Night 2 song. Sam asked," Can I wisten too sis?" I love when he talks!! So I let him have an earbud and he seemed to like it. I had to keep rewinding it because it was so good. Mom looked at us smiling. She loves when we get along with each other. Mom also seen that we both were in an uncomfortable position trying to listen to the song together. So she told us to put it on Bluetooth mode and we heard it again and again until we reached the airport.
Haha! Sam was copying me. What a little cutie patootie!! Mom got the tickets and we went to go catch our flight. What a packed place! We finally got to our airplane, waiting in line to get in the plane, when I happened to see 2 people in front of us standing side by side who looked soooo familiar to me. I kepts staring at them. Sam looked at me.
"Why are you stawing at these people sis?"
They turned around and looked at Sam. in the actual Fuck!?!? It was Markiplier and Jacksepticeye!! Or Mark and Sean. I looked at them. Then they laughed.
"Aww! Your little brother is so cute."
Mark said it in his manly voice. Which is all the time of course! Sean or Jack whatever I call him Jack. Well Jack ruffled his hair.
"He's like a little puppy!"
I was speechless but my brother was chatting away!
"Are you the big man that sings Five Nights at Freddie's?"
Mark looked at Jack then looked back at Sam with a smile.
"Yes. I scream a lot don't I?"
I giggle a bit. The line moves. We finally got into the plane. My brother and I each got to sit next to a YouTuber. Omg this isn't happening!! My brother sat next to Jack and I sat next to Mark. Holy shit!! He's staring at me!! Just don't look at him. Look down. But he still stared. Dammit look away!! I take a peek at what Sam and Jack were doing. Sam was perfectly fine! He talked to Jack about his cars that he has at home. Haha it was adorable! Though Mark probably thought I was weird. I'll just be like Sam. Keep it cool. Don't be like one of those fangirls. Be yourself. I look up at him and wave. He waves back with a smile. I slouch back in my chair. Just being me..... Mom was a bit nosy. She went into Sam and Jacks discussion and asked Sam if he was hungry. Then he went to Mark and I, we were barely talking, and asked if I was thirsty. I was a bit thirsty but then Mark wanted to be friendly and handed me a water.
"Drink this. I have more so don't worry about it."
Mom smiled and whispered in my ear.
"He's a hunk of a cutie isn't he."
Rolling my eyes at her I drink some of the water Mark gave to me.
"Is this your first flight?"
"Yeah. Pretty much."
"Mmm. Are you scared?"
"A bit. But I'm sure this flight will be fine."
He nods at me then takes a drink of his water. I look over at Sam and Jack and surprisingly I see Sam and Jack playing with cars!! Omg that is adorbs! Jack was all like
And Sam was like
"Shouldnt you be dead already!?"
Sam crashed Jacks car and he made his car look like it was flipping in the air in slow motion and making sound effects. Soooo cute!! Mark seen that I was bored. Sent he asked me
"Do you wanna do a quick video with me?"
Me!? In Mark's videos!? Hell yeah!"
He pulls out a bag full of marshmallows, oranges, ice cream, gummies, and chocolate syrup. He got out a bowl and mixed them all together.
Ewww! What is he doing??
He then turns on the video camera.

Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and today I am going to Hawaii with Jack and these 2 here! Say hi to the camera!
Jack and Sam look this way and say hi. I look at the camera and say hi too.

While we are waiting for the pilot to instruct us, we will both be eating this! It was mixed with, marshmallows, oranges, ice cream gummies, and ch-

I take out my Cheez-Its box and por some in. Haha! Now I made it better!

Chocolate syrup and Cheez-Its! So without further information we eat!!

He hands me a spoon and we eat. Our faces were priceless!! But then it had a good aftertaste. Whyy!?! After we finished 3 spoons, he said,

And that was just a quick vlog!! Thank you guys so much for watching!! Click the annotation in the description below for more of my stupidness. Also subscribe to Jacks channel and um-

"Do you have a channel?"
"Yeah. It's not great though."
"Well you're in luck!"

(Your YouTube channel name) Channel!! Hit the like button for more and as always....I will see you in the next video. Buh bye!!

He waves and I do too. Jack and Sam were still to into crashing their cars into each other and making explosions happen so they didn't even notice Mark and I eating that disgusting bowl of crap! Haha it was fun though! Mark was editing the video with his laptop and I just sat there waiting for instructions. The pilot finally spoke.

Hello fellow riders! We will be lifting off now. Please keep your seatbelts on until in the air and we appreciate your company on Air Penguin.

The plane lifted slowly. I accidentally clasped onto Marks arm. Hey I was scared! It was my first time! Wow it was hard as a rock. I should probably let go now. I let go but as I let go I noticed that Mark didn't even care if I held onto his arm. He just kept editing. Well I do touch stuff lightly so he probably didn't notice. But now that we were in the air, I was petrified!! So I took out my pillow real fast and tried to fall asleep quickly. I closed my eyes and felt a wave of sleepiness hit me. I fell asleep......dreaming of the vacation in Hawaii with Mark and Jack. But three particular words kept on going on in my head.

Fun. Accidents. Love

Stranded on an Island (Mark/Jack_X_Reader))Where stories live. Discover now