Creating our New Life

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Thank you guys so much! I appreciate that more and more of you are coming every day!! This is my first Fanfiction so it's not going to be as big but I don't really care. I have you guys!! You are the ones who make me feel as if I can write and do amazing things!! Once again thank you! Oh and if any of you are going to PAX tell me all about it once you come back! Thanks!! Now where was I.........

Your pov~ almost looks like Hawaii. Yeah. It has the natury look to it. sand.....and um stuff? Well I know it certainly didn't have Jack running around in circles screaming. Or Sam curled up in a ball crying. Or Mark stressing out, running his fingers through his fluffy hair. Okay this is really bad!! What are we going to do!?! I'll ask Mark.
"Mark? What are we going to do?"
He looks at me still running his fingers through his hair.
"We have no other choice but to stay here until we are found"
"What will we do until then?"
"We have to make this place a home. We have fruit from the trees, water, adventure in that rainforest back there and we can probably make shelter in there too."
I nod my head and Jack walks over to us.
"You mean to say we are living here!?"
Mark looks at Jack and nods.
"Great.....this is just.....fantastic!! We are stranded!! I was supposed to go to Hawaii and relax. I was just about to upload my videos. But now look at us!! We are all stuck on an island!!"
"Jack!!! Calm down we'll be fine. No go get her little brother and lets start moving."
Jack hesitated but did what he was told. Well at least I'm stranded with the two best YouTubers in the world! Mark and Jack! But anyways we better start building a shelter.

Walking into the rainforest

There is plenty of mud on the floor and we are all stepping in it. Gross!!
"Are we almost there? Wherever there is?"
Jack answers.
"Just about there laddies. Just keep calm."
Sam hasn't said a word which worries me. But I'm too focused on where we are staying. Mark points to a big wide tree.
"There. We will make a shelter up there. All we need is a bunch of leaves and driftwood and some of that shipwrecked boat that was washed up the shore yesterday. Jack and Sam stay here and collect as much leaves and fruit in here. y/n and I will go get the leftover wood from the shore okay? We all meet here. Go!"
Everyone starts moving. Right away Jack and Sam are pulling off humongous leavs off of plants. Mark and I walk towards the entrance from where we came from. He was right. There was a shipwreck. He is so smart and Nerdy. Talk Nerdy to Me Baybeh~

Anyways we started to pick everything up. I then start to think. What are we going to wear? Our suitcases and everything were in the plane.
"What is it?"
He continued to pick up all of the wood. He looks so serious.
"Well um what are we going to change into?"
"We use the resources we have around us."
"Okay uh yeah"
He finally picks them all up and he holds my hand until we get back to the tree. Jack and Sam are just sitting on the tree limbs, waiting for us. Jack spots us.
"You guys took a bit longer than we did! Hahaha!"
Mark rolls his eyes then looks at Jack.
"Did you even get all of the leaves?"
"Of course I did! They're right here!"
He holds them up to let us know that he did what he was told. Mark nods.
"Now we build."
" we just shape it out or what?"
"We shape it out. Once we are done we can get to the fun parts."
What fun parts?
"Okay then...."
We started building. Sam was too little to do the big parts so he just played with the car Jack gave him.

After we finished

Mark wipes his Forehead. So does Jack. I stare at the shelter we made which I do have to say.......It was the best tree house ever!! It was big and the walls and floors were all strong enough to carry us all. The whole top was made out of big beautiful leaves! My brother added some flowers to it which brought out some color. It was beautiful!! Mark looks at my hand. I didn't pay attention. I was too amazed by our work. Jack seen Mark looking at my hand. He smirked then he walked over to Sam, leaving us right there. Mark slowly reached out to my hand. Just as he was about to touch it, I moved my hands to my nose.
"Wow! I smell really bad!! I'm going to go find a lake to wash up in k?" I smile at Mark, Jack, and Sam and I look for a lake or something to go clean myself. Mark gave a fake smile then frowned a bit when I left.

I was almost there......

Stranded on an Island (Mark/Jack_X_Reader))حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن