Depressed Septic

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I stretched. Mark, Jack, and Sam were still asleep. I quietly walked outside. I seen a little monkey on a tree. He stared at me. I stared at him. The monkey slowly started to walk up to me. I was a bit scared but I stood still. The monkey hopped from its tree to where I was standing. He stood there. He then hugged my leg.
"Aww. Hello there!"
He looked up at me and seemed to have smiled. I just have to keep him! So I picked him up gently and held him like a little baby. I tickled his little feet.
"Will you be my little whumpus woo? Haha its a Markiplier reference..... "
He looks at me confused. He squeaks.
"Haha I'll take that as a yes! Wait till Mark, Jack, and Sam see you!!"
I put him on the floor of the tree. I sit right next to him. I guess he heard my stomach growl because he climbed into his own tree and brought back a banana. He opened it with his tiny little hands and gave me it.
"Aww thank you!"
He squeaked at me and I started to eat. Once I finished eating I climbed down the tree. The monkey followed me down. He climbed on my head and played with my soft shiny hair. He seemed to have loved the texture because he kept playing with it which felt really good. I almost fell asleep until I heard the door to the treehouse swing open from above. Who was it? Mark? Jack? Sam? I then realized it was Jack.
"Hey!! Jack!!"
I could tell he was still a bit drousy because he was rubbing his eyes, stretching, and yawning a lot.
"Down here sleepy head!"
He gets on his hands and knees and looks down at the base of the tree.
"Oh! Top of to the morning to ya!!"
"Come down here!! I have to show you something!! Your not gonna believe it!!"
"Okay. I'll be yawn down in just a sec."
He climbs down and looks at me.
"Okay okay! I found......A MONKEY!! Ain't he adorable!?!?"
I put it in his face. The monkeys little eyes stared at his and Jack stared at him. The monkey started to smile.
"Aww! He is adorable!"
He takes the monkey from my hands and sits. He sets it in his lap and I sit next to him. Since this is my only chance to actually talk with The Jacksepticeye I better get to asking my questions.
"So Jack...."
"What inspired you to join the community of YouTube?"
"Oh! Well I was really into what other YouTubers were doing. Like the gameplays and everything. I started out small but as my subscribers started growing, I figured I should start getting more into it. I had a few bumps in the road but I made it through them. I had times where I just wanted to quit because my videos were so bad. But I kept striving through it. My subscribers are everything to me. They make my life become a better and they put smiles to my faces. They are a family to me not just a bunch of fans."
"Wow....Jack. That was reeeeal deep."
"Haha! But.....I can't help them anymore."
He hangs his head down.
"Why not?"
"Because we are here. I can't be at home, making people all across the world smile if I'm here. That's why I feel really depressed. I feel as if im letting them down. All of them at once....."
"Goodness! Hmmmm. I got it!! Jack! When were you and Mark supposed to be back from your vacation?"
"Well today is Saturday, so in 2 days. Monday we were supposed to go back."
"Not to worry Jacksepticeye!! I will help both you and Mark get home on time!! Come with me!!"
"Um okay?"
I pulled him to the Sandy shore where we started.
"Go and find a bunch of ricks and being them here!"
"You too monkey!!"
They both nod and look around for a bunch of rocks. I looked around also. It was easy really because there were rocks everywhere! Jack had already brought 5 stacks of rocks and the monkey brought 3. I brought 4. So it'll be enough.
"So why are we doing this?"
"We can send a rescue helicopter a message that we are stranded here once one comes by. Mom said that they always fly by islands to make sure no one is stranded."
"How would we know they're here?"
"We would know."
"Okay. Let's start!!"
Jack, the monkey and I started to form the letter S. I guess we ran out of rocks again so we each had to bring 10 stacks of rocks. Once everyone has done that, we formed an O. We needed the same amount of rocks we used for the other S. So once again Jack brought 6 stacks, the monkey brought 3, and I brought 4. We shaped the other S. It was finally complete!!
"We finally finished!!"
I exclaimed. Jack looked at me and smiled with his sparkling white teeth.
"Thank you! It really means a lot that you care so much about me to do this."
He hugs me and I hug him. The monkey didn't want to be left out so he climbed in and started hugging too!
"Good morning nuts!!"
Mark ran in for the hug too. It was like a family!!
"Is that a monkey?"
Jack answered.
"No its a hairy octopus."
"Haha Random Encounters?"
"Yeah! Haha!"
I giggle also and the monkey starts smiling again and squeaks.
"Have you named him yet?"
Aww shoot! How did I forget!?!?!
"Not yet. You guys wanna name him?"
"Mark? You go first."
"How about Wilford FurryButt!"
"He can't be named after your fucking Wilford Warfstache Mark."
"Hey I'll have you know that Warfstache don't take no Shit from no one!"
"Yeah but you named him FurryButt which is not a Warfstache."
"You make a point."
"How about SepteyeBoss #7!"
"We are naming a monkey not a robot."
"Hey who names a monkey Wilford FurryButt!?"
"I thought it was a perfect name for him!"
"But SepteyeBoss #7 doesn't sound like your naming a donkey!!"
I laughed. But I ce into their conversation.
"Guys! Why don't you try putting them together?"
They started thinking then said together.
"High Fives all around!!"
Jack high fives, Mark, Wilford SepteyeBoss, and I.
"Haha! Well there you go!!"
Mark then looks at the sign that we made.
"You made a sign? Smart!!"
"Well Jack and you are probably going to miss all of your subscribers so you may want to go back home by Monday. It doesn't hurt to try right?"
Mark puts his hand on his chin and nods. Jack gives a half smile.
"Welp lets get on with our day until we hear a helicopter!!"
We all race back into the mob of trees.
I wanna make them happy. Please........someone take us back home......Please......

Stranded on an Island (Mark/Jack_X_Reader))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora