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Jacks Pov.~

I feel kind of bad. Mark is my best friend. What was with me? I should probably! He attacked me first. I'll wait for him to apologize to me! But I want to be a good friend to Mark. He's the only friend that has a heart of gold. But he did try to hurt me. Okay I'll wait. But I hope he apologizes soon. I don't want to be mad at him for the rest of my life! And why were we fighting over her? She's just a girl! I feel like a rabid animal now. What a horrible feeling!! Humans make many mistakes in their lives. But they can be forgiven......

Your pov~

Wow!! That mango hit the spot!! I then seen something moving in the trees......probably Jack or Mark sneaking up on me. I'll check it out! I walked outside and hollered out.
"Jaaaack!? Maaaaark!?"
No respond. Just more rustling in the trees.
"Very funny guys! I know its you!!"
More rustling. Okay that was a bit creepy. I ran back inside and shut the doors and windows. Though, I forgot a window!! Oh my god!!! Close it close it close it close iiiiit!!!!!! I ran over there to close it! But then a blur of fur pounced onto my face!!!
As soon as my vision was back to normal, I seen Wilford SepteyeBoss...... What an embarrassment I was! He stares at me like I was the crazy one! Which I was, I admit it,!
"You scared the living shit out of me Wilford!! Don't do that again!!"
He lowers his head, ashamed of his wrong doings. I feel bad for I'll just comfort him.
"Look I'm sorry. I just hate getting scared! So can you promise me not to scare me anymore?"
He nods. What a smart little monkey!!
"Good boy!! And as a reward I shall give you the rest of my mango!"
I hand him the rest of it. He starts to nibble it. I did get up a bit earlier than I should have. So I'll take a nap for a bit. I lay on the wooden floor and close my eyes. Wilford SepteyeBoss finished eating and walked over to the sleeping me. He gets ontop of my stomach and sleeps too. Furry fur everywhere!!

Mark's pov~
I should go check on her. Just to see if she's okay. I'll leave Jack or "Seeean" with her brother.
"I'll be back at the treehouse " Buddy."
"Couldn't care less Mark..."
Jack sarcastically said. He was annoyed with me. I could tell. Well I'm not apologizing!! I ran through the forest and climbed into the treehouse to see the beautiful girl peacefully sleeping with Wilford SepteyeBoss on her stomach. She was making me feel tired. I'll rest by her. Of course to keep her safe I mean heh what else? I crawled over and I lie next to her. I slowly put my arm around her. Just as I was about to set my arm down on her, Wilford smaked my hand and shook his head.
"Oww!! What the fuuuuudge!? Why!?"
He glared at me as if he was my parent. I whispered.
"You can't tell me what to do!"
He holds up his fists and squeaks nonsense.
"What is that supposed to mean!?"
"Squeak squeak!!! Squeak!!"
"Of course I like her!! I mean no I don't!!"
"Squeak squuueeeeaaakk!!!"
"Ok OK I'll wait!!"
I cross my arms. I'm taking orders from a monkey!! What a man I am! Well I just played there. The monkey watched me. Twitching his tail.
"What!? I'm not doing anything!!"
He gave me the evil eye.
"Okay okay! Calm down. I'll just turn this way."
I turn to face the other way. I fell asleep like that!! Fastest sleeper am I right!?

Jacks pov~

You know what? I'll just make him apologize!! I'll make a date for Mark and it'll be nice!! Once he understands how much I care, hell apologize for sure!! I'll start it up!! But I'm going to need Sam to take a looooong rest!
"Hey Sam! What you got there? A car?"
"Yeah! It's Wed!!"
"Haha! Yeah it is!! So, are you getting tired?"
"No!! I wanna stay up allll day!! Like you Mark, and sister do!!!"
"But you are not as big as us little guy! Trust me! You don't want to be grown!!"
"It's hard work."
"Many reasons little man. Now if you want to be big, you need sleep too ght! Lots and lots of sleep. That's what grown ups do!"
I had to lue. Well actually it's true! Grown ups sleep a lot! Haha!
"Ok. I'll sleep later!!"
"Thank you Sam!!"
"Your welcome Jack!!"
Well now that I got that off of my chest, I wait........

Later that night~

Okay! Now I search!!! For a table I need a tree stump!! But where would I find one of those fuckers!?!? Hmm......I think I have seen a tree stump somewhere close to the ocean shore! And the candlelight can be a stick with fire! Please don't be ruined!! I'm doing this for a friend!! It needs to be absolutely perfect!! Food will just be good that Wilford SepteyeBoss hides in his secret tree. Okay!! Now where are they again? Where else would they be? In the treehouse you idiot!! I ran up the treehouse and woke the two up. I made sure not a lot of noise was happening so Sam won't wake up.
"Wake up. I have a surprise for you guys!!"
Y/n looks up at me and yawns.
"What? Really?"
Mark said the exact same thing.
"Come with me!!"
They followed me to the front of the island. I sat them down on the sand of course. Wilford SepteyeBoss brought his fruit to the table then climbed on my shoulder.
"Enjoy Mark!"
I looked at him straight in the eye and walked away. Well behind a tree to spy. What? I'm a badass spy!!!

Your pov~

Okay. Well this was awkward. Candlelight? Food? Only two people? It's a date. I decided to start a conversation.
" are you?"
"Good! Good."
"Good to know. I feel exactly the same! Haha whoohoo!"
"Hm......were you in on this?"
"No. I guess Jack was trying to be nice."
"He just is...."
Mark had something to say. I can see it in his eyes. Literally! His eyes teared up a bit. I placed my hand on his.
"Mark. What's wrong?"
We stare deeply into each others eyes. He then confesses.
"It's see....Jack and I were uh fighting today and I tried to hurt him. I didn't even apologize and I've been rude to him this whole day. Now, I haven't only lost my humanity......but my best friend."
Tears roll down his cheek. He really cared for Jack. I lifted my hands off of his and got up from my seat. I went around the tree stump to hug him. He hugged my too. I wiped away his tears, but his eyes still had tears.
"Do you just want to go inside?"
I help him up and walk him to the treehouse. Poor Mark. I feel so bad! Though, what were they fighting about? I don't need to worry about that until he calms down. We both lay back down where we did. I put Marks arms around me like I was a teddy bear. He hugged my tightly. He falls asleep faster than me. But right after, I soon fell asleep also.

Jacks short talk in his head~

That was a sad moment. Mark really did care for me! Just like he did with any of his other friends! Tomorrow, for sure, I will apologize first. I'm sorry Mark......I let my anger get the best of won't ever happen again.....

Hey guys!! Thanks for reading this chapter!!! Sorry of its a bit shorter than the other chapters! I have been a busy person!! But to give you guys a heads up, I will be giving you a little side note in the next chapter. (Just a note) Thank you guys, so much for reading and if you liked it, PUNCH THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS!!! And you know the rest! Lol Buh Bye!!! Till the next chapter!!!

Stranded on an Island (Mark/Jack_X_Reader))Where stories live. Discover now