A Moment of Silence For Daniel Kyre

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Top of to the morning to ya laddies!! First of all, I would love to thank you all for 1.03k and counting readers!! It's a perfect amount!! We're growing bigger and bigger everyday. The next book I was hoping to write after this one, is book two! Spoiler Alert!!...............Its supposed to be scary.........sad....and all of those feelings out there. Spoiler alert done Looking forward to writing it though! And I certainly can't wait to share it with you all!! Now to Daniel. As most of you may know, Daniel Kyre has attempted suicide and has died because of it. I was trying to make the last chapter dedicated to him. But this time, using Sam. We all wish Cyndago, Mark, and Daniel love. But he is in a better place.....but missing him now.....Soo I'm going to end this chapter here before I start to tear up!! So thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BOSS!!! And high fives all around, wapoosh!! Wapoosh!! But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT CHAPTEEEEEEERRRRRR!!!!!

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