Ch.11: Love

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Ch. 11 Love

Donna's P.O.V.  

At home I was under the covers, in bed without Andy, wishing he had been here to sleep beside me instead of deciding to sleep on Andrew’s bed tonight. I stared at the ceiling and replayed the events from today. With a finger I touched my lips. Maybe I did enjoy the kiss a little. I kept repeating to myself I had lied when I said I did not want him toying with my emotions, when I sadly did like his teasing. In the end, I would come out both losing and winning. A tear escaped my eye but I wiped it away. It’s not worth it, I shouldn’t cry for him. He’s just a big air head. I bet he’s probably filling his big air head with egocentric compliments or stupid comments right now. Oh look at me, I protect New York and this crazy girl jumped off the balcony for me. Hm, I think I’m going to annoy her because I feel like it. One kiss won’t make a difference. Well, he’s wrong, because it did. I love the stubborn angel, and he’s to blame for this. I shut my eyes and dozed off.

I did not notice until I actually felt it. Them actually. Someone’s lips moved against mine. They were so eager and sweet. It almost felt real. I found myself having a strange craving for them but I restrained myself. I could not bear the false kiss of the dream and opened my eyes. I held back a startled gasp as I spotted Angelo in my face, drawing back and pursuing his lips. His eyes reflecting an emotion between astonishment and remorse.

I sat up. “What are you doing in my room?” I look around at my surroundings and realized it wasn’t my room. It’s an empty room (other than the mattress, a closet and a bathroom) with white walls. The room was definitely positioned and designed differently than mine too, and I clearly don’t remember having a window with the sight of upper Manhattan. “Where am I?” I watched Angelo and for the first time ever, a blush was creeping up on his face. He looked so adorable I would have kissed him if I wasn’t more curious to know where I was. I glanced once more about the room and decided I was still sleeping, dreaming better yet. I sighed.

 “Yup, I’m dreaming.” I rested my head against the pillow. “Goodnight, dream Angelo.”

I closed my eyes and felt him whisper into my ear. “I like you.”

I was surprised for a moment but placed the pillow over my head, this dream must go. I have to wake up. After silence settled in I reopened my eyes and sat up. I was in the same place but there was no Angelo. I must have slept walk somewhere or maybe when I flew off the balcony I collapsed and never woke up. I was about to stand up when someone kissed my neck. “Martin?” I asked fearfully, turning around to face the person.

Angelo grinned. “Nope.”

I pouted. “Damn it. It’s another stupid dream.” Angelo put his hands on either side of my face and gave me a swift kiss.

I stared at him wide-eyed and his eyes glimmered. “Is it really a dream or are just not willing to accept the fact you’re in my room and that I like you?” My eyes quivered in disbelief. There is no way someone as beautiful as him can like a human, can he?

“It’s a dream,” I repeated but mostly to convince myself.

He seemed disappointed. “Am I not convincing enough?”

“Nope. Not at all.” Truthfully I did start thinking this wasn’t a dream but I couldn’t tell him. If I did I would be accepting the detail where I have to leave the room before I forgive this guy and he builds a fake relationship with me, so he can break my heart. I laid my head back down, my back facing him.

I felt his arms wrap around me. “Please believe me Donna.” He turned me around to face him. “Donna do you know why I brought you here?” I shook my head. He did not release me from his embrace and his blue gray eyes piercing into mine. “I really do like you. Since I fixed your brother’s story I had a feeling about you I did not understand. But you helped me understand it and now I know you’re right. I shouldn’t toy with your emotions. Please forgive me.” He kissed my hand, but I was distracted thinking about how Andrew was right. He wasn't the one who fixed his story and entered my room, it was Angelo.

“I forgive you, but first− tell me how you fixed the story.”

He sighed, gently taking hold of my fingers and looking at them. “Well, I have a couple of abilities. I can heal and fix things, and also erase memory like how I did to Martin earlier today with the bright glow. Abilities such as those I have, but I also have an undetectable shield where it allows me to be invisible to Destined Blessed Ones for a limited time.” That would explain the glow and why I can feel when he’s near sometimes and when his presence suddenly vanishes. He’s lucky he can erase Martin’s memory, but if I had been Angelo, I would have tampered with his head a little more so no memory of me remained.

“Well you definitely just solved some puzzles I couldn’t figure out, and what are Destined Blessed Ones?”                  

He glanced up at me from prodding my fingers with his hand, and grinned. “Humans who can see and speak to us, but also feel our presence since they’re born. You’re one of them.”

“I guess I’m glad I am.” I smiled slightly. 

He hugged me tighter. “Me too. Is that all you want to know?”

“Well...” I recalled the time we kissed for the first time and how I had felt his solitariness. “Why are you so lonely?”

His eyes turned darker but he kept a gentle smile on his face. “Because I am the Guardian of New York I have to stay here 200 years and then I can return home to the other Guardians for a couple of days while someone else takes my place but I am not allowed to talk to humans so we would be in huge trouble right now.” He chuckled as if getting in trouble didn’t seem like a big deal to him.

I frowned. “How long have you been here, and I’m sorry, it’s my fault I got you into this.”

He smiled. “170 years and it’s really my fault. I don’t mind disobeying that rule for you.” Wow, 170, and he doesn’t look a day over 16. Then he unexpectedly pecked my lips. I still felt the loneliness in them. Can I take his solitariness away? Will he fall for me as I already did for him?

I led now, hovering over him. I ran my fingers through his hair and he brought me closer to him. My lips gently traced his jawline while he stroked one of my cheeks. I leaned in and planted delicate kisses on his neck, one of my hands linking with his. He reached over and brought his head close to mine, trying to kiss me and I barely brushed my lips against his, almost as if I was going to kiss him but didn’t. I smirked after teasing him and kissed his shoulders when he brought me down beside him. He extended one hand out carefully holding my face while giving soft kisses to my eyelids, cheeks, and nose. His lips pressed once against my neck before he stopped just above my lips and gave me one, sweet and tender kiss. I closed my eyes, there was definitely a ‘spark’ there (fireworks really) that I did not feel when Martin kissed me.Somehow I felt like I belonged with Angelo, and only him. Time quickly passed and we knew I had to go home. We stopped kissing and he released me from his embrace, and I dropped my arms to my sides. He sat up and then I did too. He walked over to the window and stared out through its glass. “I have to return you to your home now.”

I stood up and placed my arms around his waist. “Don’t we have a little bit of time left?”

He chuckled and turned to me. Although he was laughing the look in his eyes was sincere but soft. “We do, but it was hard enough stopping myself just now from continuing to kiss you, we stay here a bit longer and I know I won’t be able to again. Besides, I will probably change my mind and not let you leave ever.”     

I giggled. “I don’t mind staying here.”    

He shook his head and laughed. “See, those are the words that tempt me to do things I shouldn’t.”

I gave up. “Fine.”

He watched me confounded. “You gave up so easily.” I shrugged, satisfied with the disappointment in his voice and smiled smugly. “Then I guess that makes me the resistant one.” A few seconds after, Angelo flew me back to my room and placed me on my bed.

“So we were in the Empire State Building?” He nodded and I grinned. Pretty cool crib then. He tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

“Goodnight love.” I gazed into his blue gray eyes, even now my heart pumped madly. He took a step towards the window.  

“No wait.” I grabbed his arm and he returned to my side. I gave him a good night kiss, and I could have sworn he seemed less lonely already. I watched him leave. His amazing white wings spread out as he jumped out the window and soared beautifully towards the sky.              

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