Ch. 9: Andy

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I hope the last few chapters were okay and if they weren't well, next chapter has a surprise you'll hopefully like and will make up for the other ones =)

Ch. 9 Andy

Donna's P.O.V.

I have managed to survive a week in school. It was Friday, October 10th, 2:30 p.m. There is an hour and thirty minutes left until the bell rings and then I’m out of here. So far I have no seen Martin since Saturday. Although, I did see him in the Sunday newspaper. He made the cover page actually. He rescued a purse from a nice woman, big whoop. It’s so wrong how he is no hero but a stalker, a deceiving and creepy stalker. He is much worse than whatever was giving me the I’m-being-watched feeling about ten days ago. Today I decided to walk home from school. I stopped by a store to grab a cup of coffee. I strolled down the street with my blue, cotton scarf and cup of coffee in hand. This day was not so bad. It was enjoyable. In fact, no teachers picked on me and there was only one homework assignment given. Yes, like you probably guessed, it is an English assignment. Neither the softball team nor Catheline have talked to me which I am to blame. I have avoided them this entire week.Maybe the girl with the girly voice from the bathroom the other day was wrong.   From what I’ve seen, guys did not talk about me and focused on other things, which is something I would prefer anyway. I did not know if I should be happy however, how their main topic in conversation was Martin Wheeler. It was crazy but people actually admired his bravery and had his picture from the newspaper article in their binders and on their cell phone’s wallpaper, like he was a celebrity or something. Even teachers were saying he was a ‘good example of how youngsters should be these days.’ If only they knew about his crazy side. Andrew and I tried to tell our parents about how we ‘heard’ Martin might be a stalker but our parents refused to hear another word, and said we were being jealous and how being envious was not a good habit to become accustomed to. After the hundredth time in trying to convince them Martin was actually a stalker and updating them on what Martin had done, our parents told us lying was not a decent habit either and how we should try to be nicer to him. By then I gave him, my parents could be so oblivious sometimes. 

I was almost at the apartment when I saw a figure with sunglasses and a jacket with a hood, leaning against the wall by the front steps of my apartment. He seemed to be searching for someone. Then it came to me, it was Martin in disguise, looking for me. I slowly turned around and walked in the other direction as casual as possible. I stepped inside a bakery and bought a donut, and as I was sitting on one of the chairs by the window, the store’s door opened. I saw Martin at the counter telling the employee something. He was probably asking for me. I tucked my hair inside my jacket, saw a bathroom, slipped inside, and locked the door (hoping I didn’t get this act of entering the bathroom to escape certain situations into a habit). I waited about twenty five minutes then I peeked outside. Good, he’s not here. Everyone stared at me probably thinking something else had happened to me in there. I smiled reassuringly so they minded their own business. As I was returning to the apartment once more I began thinking maybe I should try out for the school’s softball team. Maybe if I do it will break the ice between the girls from the bathroom and me. Instead of the girls wanting to make my life miserable they can possible change their minds. Who knows maybe we can even be close friends. I just hope their hatred does not last the whole year. It is tough enough being new to the state and school.

The apartment was in view again. I hid behind an alleyway and peeked. Just my luck, Martin is there again. I sighed and sunk down onto the floor, resting my head on the wall. I could always call Andrew but it would probably only draw attention and make the situation worse. I need to think of an idea to get me out of this. I stayed in the alleyway for such a long time the sun began to set. A couple was walking by and once they saw me on the floor, they tossed five dollars on the floor. I felt mixed emotions since I did not know whether I should be too happy or not about being confused with a homeless person. I mean I checked myself in the mirror before I left my house this morning and I looked decent enough. I scrambled up to the couple and handed them back the five dollars explaining (lying) to them I was waiting for someone. They grinned and apologized for mistaking me for a homeless girl. When they said it I felt my face get hot with embarrassment. The couple soon left and I sighed. I guess with the darkness of the alleyway they could have gotten mixed up.

I peeked again around the corner. Martin was no longer there. I stood up, jogged to the apartment and got inside the elevator. Once we were on my floor, I ran out, swiftly unlocked the door with my spare keys and stepped inside.

“Where were you,” demanded Andrew. I faced him. He had a worried expression on his face. Damn. Now what was I supposed to tell him? Tell him the truth about Martin so he won’t let me go outside anymore alone?

“I was…taking a walk.”

“You could have told me you know?” Oh good, he bought it. “I could have walked with you. We don’t want the psycho following you again.”

I glanced at the floor guiltily. “I know.”

“It’s great you’re safe though.” I looked up and he was smiling. “Our parents left to the restaurant but I told them I would wait for you. Do you want to go?” I really did want to go to my dad’s restaurant but what if Martin would show up or something? If Andrew and Martin fought it would turn out bad for Andrew. People will blame him for punching their ‘young hero.’

I shook my head. “Thanks, but I’m really tired. I think I will just stay home and head to bed early.” Andrew hesitated to speak, but said nothing and nodded, sitting down on our living room’s sofa with a blank look. At least I wasn’t lying about going to sleep. I closed the door to my bedroom changed into a shirt and comfortable pants, and laid underneath my covers, falling into deep slumber.

I was falling down the Empire State Building. Falling faster and faster. I grabbed Andrew and held on to him tightly, and the figure from my previous dreams caught us. The figure kept telling me not to look at it. It told us to close our eyes and pretend it wasn’t there. I heard flapping and felt cold air like I, myself, was flying through the sky. I squeezed my eyes shut to stop tempting myself from disobeying whoever had saved us. Andrew held my hand and I felt his heart thumping fast. I could tell he wanted to open his eyes too. Just before I opened my eyes in the dream, I heard a knock on the door. My eyelids flung open, and I was back in my room. I climbed out of bed, grabbed my baseball bat, and headed out of my room and to the front door of our apartment. There was another knock and my heart beat increased. I reached for the door while gripping my bat in the other, and opened the door.

“Sorry, I didn’t have hands to open the door,” said Andrew.  I sighed in relief, lowering my bat. It was only my brother, his arms carrying five medium boxes with plastic wrapping. I took a few from his arms and we both set them down on the kitchen’s table. He returned to the door, picked up another box and shut the door. His smile was glowing and when he sat down his eyes watched me attentively. “Well, open it.” I glanced at him then at the box and placed it on my lap. It was kind of heavy and something bounced inside the box, a little yelp escaped my lips. I took the lid off and a beagle puppy jumped out at me. It licked my face and I giggled. “I thought a guard dog would help protect you so I bought him.”

I smiled and petted the puppy’s head. “He’s beautiful but he’s only a pup. How is he going to guard anyone?” The pup was probably in between seven to eight weeks old, and it’s big, brown eyes were hardly frightening.

He looked confused. “That I didn’t think about. Anyways, you want to keep him? I already asked our parents and they said if you’re willing to take care of it and know all your responsibilities you have to do, then you can.”

I looked at the puppy, his tail was wagging uncontrollably, his big brown eyes pleading, and then he made one, little bark. I gave in, and laughed. “Ok I will.”  

“Yes,” he whispered. He gazed at me. “So…what are you going to call him?”

“His name?” I did not particularly have one in mind. I watched the little puppy lick his own nose, and with my hand I held one of its paws. He made another small bark. I smiled. “Andrew.”


I shook my head, smiling. I pointed at the pup. “His name is Andrew, but we’ll call him Andy.”

Andrew blushed, “Why?”   

“Because you’re also sweet and protect me so why not name him after you?”

Andrew laughed. “I guess you’re right.” He pulled out a collar and a leash from the box Andy was in. “So what do you say? You want to take Andy for a walk in the park?”

I smiled. “Let’s go.”  

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