Chapter 12

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Tita Carmela is still doing my make up when Lexi arrived.

"Enjoy the party honey. Don't be shy and mingle with other people," she said while putting finishing touches on my face.

"There you go," she examined my face for a while. I saw tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Tita, what's wrong?" I asked in confusion.

"Sorry, I'm just being emotional," she said as tears escaped her eyes.

"You reminded me of your mom. You really look like her," she wiped her tears with her hands.

The tears started to roll from her eyes. I felt a little emotional too.

Ever since the accident happened, Uncle George and Aunt Carmela took care of us. They adopted us, treated me and my brother like their own children. They do not have a child of their own as Tita Carmela had problems conceiving a child.

"Tita! My make-up will be ruined if I cry. Stop crying," I gave her a tissue and also took some for myself.

"What's happening here?" Tito entered my room.

"Nothing. She just reminded me of Ramona," she said wiping her tears.

Tito went near me. He studied my face before looking away and inhaled deeply trying to hold back his emotions.

"You're beautiful like her," he said after a while.

I can feel that they're still hurt of what happened to our parents. They never talked about it. Even my brother doesn't tell me anything.

As for me, I can't really remember what happened. I get flashbacks in my dreams when I was a child but we underwent counseling so I guess it was treated already. What they tell me was that we got involved in an accident when I was seven killing the lives of our parents.

"Don't grow up so fast," he tapped my head gently. "You will always be our little girl," he continued and jokingly messed my hair up.

"George, stop that. Her hair will be ruined," she retorted moving her head sideways.

I just laughed with Tito on the expression of Tita Carmela's face.

"Get dressed Cham," Tita Carmela handed me the pink dress which Lexi let me borrow.

"Hurry up. Lexi's waiting for you in the living room, I'll just be downstairs," he reminded.

"Ready to see your final look?" Tita said smiling when I finished wearing my dress.

I nodded expectantly. I then walked toward the full length mirror inside my room.

I saw myself staring at my own reflection.

"Is this really me?" I drop my jaw in awe. I never thought I can look like this. It's like I'm seeing another person in front of me.

I touched my face examining my look.

Tita curled my hair and accentuated it with braids on the side. My dress is colored hot pink with flowing skirt just an inch above the knee. I paired it with a flesh colored heels. I went downstairs and was meet by the eyes of Lexi and Tito.

"Wow. You look amazing!" Lexi praised.

I felt really beautiful with their reactions.

"Thanks! You look stunning too," I praised her back.

Lexi's wearing a beaded little black dress highlighting her fair skin and georgeous body. Her hair is bunned on the side with loose hair on the sides of her face. She looked classy and elegant in her look today compared to the sweet image she has in school. I wonder why she's dressed like that.

"Wait. Let me take a picture of both of you," Tita went to their room to get her camera.

"I'll get this printed and give a copy to both of you," she said after she took a picture of us.

"Let me also take a picture of you with Cham," Lexi suggested.

"That's a very good idea Lexi," they laughed.

As much as I would want to see the three of the most beautiful ladies I know, I think the two of you should go. You might get stuck in traffic.

What time will I pick you up?

No need Tito, Lexi spoke. I'll drive Cham home later so you don't have to worry.

Okay then. Enjoy the party beautiful girls.

I kissed them goodbye and entered Lexi's car.

"Excited?" She asked.

"Yup," I smiled and inhaled deeply.

I look at the view outside Lexi's car window. I can feel that something good is about to happen.

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