Love is...

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Love is…

Love is-

The emotion we run to when we’re hurt,

What we expect to get when we cry,

What some wish for each night 

And others take a step and try.

What we feel is owed to us because of past pains

And what is wished and prayed for again and again

Some abuse its name and hide behind it

 Others are torn apart and are now misguided,

To believe that LOVE IS a lie

Something only meant for fairy tales and movies

Making the biggest mistake they’ll ever make

Blinded by ignorance and hate.

Cause if you’re faithful and true

In all you say and do

Then surely love will find you

Maybe not now, maybe not today

Maybe, just maybe

It’ll eventually find its way.


Rachey Chiq

(also had this one for almost 2 years so i hope you enjoyed. Sorry i didn't update sooner.

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