Chapter 5:

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Temari's POV
I tried to keep my composure as I backed away from Shikamaru, and when he was no longer visible I ran. I didn't know where I was going, for my vision was too blurry... But I kept running. I knew people were staring at me in confusion, but I didn't care. I ran and ran until I reached the gates of Konoha, but instead of stopping and going back to my hotel, I kept running. I needed to get out of there. A storm of emotions swirled though me, which only made me more upset. How the hell did a boy manage to make me feel like this? I had been through many near-death experiences, and had suffered from many losses including both my parents... And never, not once, had I cried. I was the strongest Kunoichi in Suna! And I was showing weakness. Pain is weakness. And I was now feeling pain. I was a shitty Kunoichi. I was a shitty ambassador! And I was a disappointment to my brothers. I mean, what would Gaara think if he saw me now? What about Kankuro? I was a whimp. As my legs started growing tired from running at full speed, I decided to rest on top of a tree.  That's when I noticed I had strayed from the road and was now lost in the middle of a never-ending forest. I chuckled without humor. Did it even matter? I honestly wouldn't mind if nobody ever found me. Who would want to find a useless Kunoichi? Who would want to find a Kunoichi who couldn't stop thinking about a boy?!? No one. I remembered Shikamaru's words, and cried. Jerk. Why would he say something like that? The worst part was that he had made it clear that he wasn't into me... But I strongly believed I was into him. But did I really feel that way? Was I just confused, seeing how much my friend had grown? I mean, I wouldn't dare to deny that he was now sexy as hell... But he was also intelligent, and funny, and sarcastic... And insensitive. I buried my face in between my knees and sobbed quietly. My brothers would be so disappointed! There I was, sitting on top of a tree in the middle of nowhere, thinking about a boy. After a few hours I felt myself getting tired and so I drifted into peaceful slumber, not worrying about waking up to my annoying alarm-clock.

Shikamaru's POV
The next day, I got out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. Wow. Did regret really consume you this fast? There were two dark shadows under my eyes, and they were bloodshot. I looked at my clock and saw it was 9:00 A.M. I had woken up hours ago, but just hadn't felt like getting out of bed. I sighed and walked back to my bed. I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes. -" That's it."- I thought. -" I'm not getting out of bed today. I don't feel like it."- I said to myself. I chuckled at my miserable state. My father and Asuma sensei were probably laughing their asses off right now from wherever they were. That, or they were absolutely disappointed. Probably the latter. I heard a knock on my door. I grunted.
-" What?"- I asked, trying to get my mom to leave me the fuck alone. But my mom's voice wasn't the one that responded.
-" I'm coming in, wether you want it or not."- Sakura said, and slammed my door open. I didn't even bother to look at her. She angrily walked towards me.
-" Would you care to explain what happened yesterday, jerk?"- She asked. I sighed.
-" I don't want to talk about it."- I responded, surprising myself with my emotionless voice.
-" Yeah, well, thanks to whatever you said yesterday Temari hasn't come out of her hotel room. Or even made a goddamn noise, you know that?"- She asked, irritated. I looked at her, not getting up. She paled. -" Oh my God Shikamaru... You look like shit. Are you okay?"- She asked worriedly. I chuckled without humor.
-" Do I look fucking okay to you?"- I asked. She sat beside me.
-" Wow... You two had a really heated fight, didn't you?"- She asked, sounding more compassionate. I shrugged.
-" Yeah, I guess. As I said, I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, is Temari okay? Has nobody seen her?"- I asked, starting to get concerned.
-" No. But you aren't any better. Did you know your mom called me because she tried to call for you at least twenty times? She was worried sick."- She said. I raised my eyebrows.
-" Oh. I didn't hear her. I was too busy thinking, I guess."- I said. Sakura sighed.
-" Look, you're both very close friends of mine and I hate seeing you like this. So, why don't we go to Temari's hotel and you try talking to her? It'll help you both. Plus... I'm getting a little worried."- She said. I sighed.
-" Fine. But I don't think she will want to see me. Not after what happened yesterday..."- I said, looking at the floor.
-" It's worth a shot."- Sakura said, smiling. -" Well, get ready. There are quite a few people outside waiting to see if you're okay."- She said and left. I groggily stood up and dragged myself to the bathroom to get changed. I then fixed my hair and put my piercing on. And, surprisingly, it didn't make me look any less like a walking corpse. I slowly walked towards my house's entrance and found Sakura, Ino, Sai, Naruto, Hinata, Ten Ten, Rock Lee, Shino, Neji (who is not dead in this fanfic because I love him too fucking much), Kiba, Choji and Kakashi sensei outside, waiting. When they saw me, their expressions dropped drastically. Wow. Did I really look that bad?
-" Oh God, dude, you okay?"- Kiba asked, sounding worried. Yes. Kiba was worried. So, in conclusion, I definitely looked like crap. I shrugged.
-" Yeah."- I said. Choji looked at me sadly.
-" You know what? We should totally go cloud-watching this afternoon. I'll bring the chips, as usual."- He said, with a small smile. I smiled. Kind of.
-" Sure."- I said. Kakashi Sensei approached me.
-" Shikamaru... I've never seen you look this bad. Well, not since Asuma... Anyway, are you sure you want to check on her? I think you should rest."- He said.  I shook my head.
-" No. I need to fix things with Temari. I said some things I shouldn't have said. And I need to fix it."- I said. Naruto chuckled. -" What's so funny?"- I asked.
-" Well, we all knew you liked her... But I now realize it's not just a crush."- He said. My friends all smiled warmly. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" It's not like that, baka. She's my friend. Plus, how could I develop a crush on her in three days?"- I asked.
-" That's just it. It's not been three days. It's been years. Since the first Chunin exams."- Naruto observed. I remembered the first time I saw her. I had thought that her hairstyle was weird, and then realized mine was too. She was so cocky, and troublesome... And strong, and funny and pretty. Although I didn't want to admit it, I knew I had developed a small crush on Temari. But Naruto was just exaggerating... Wasn't he?
-" Well, if you guys are finished I think we should go to Temari's hotel."- Ino said. I shook my head.
-" No."- I said. Sai raised his eyebrows.
-" No?"- He asked.
-" I'd like to go alone, if that's okay."- I said. Temari and I needed privacy.
-" I don't think that's the best idea..."- Neji said.
-" Neji Kun! Shikamaru and Temari San need to be alone to talk youthfully! I think we should let Shikamaru Kun go alone!"- Rock Lee said. Kakashi nodded in agreement.
-" I agree with Lee. We should step aside."- He said. Ino sighed.
-" I guess you're right..."- Ino said.
-" I'll be off, then."- I said and without a second glance headed towards the hotel. When I got there, I immediately walked towards the suite. I could feel sweat in my neck, and my feet also felt heavier than usual. I got there and knocked on the door. No one answered. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" Temari? It's me. We need to talk."- I said. No answer. I swallowed audibly. If I knew Temari, and I was pretty sure I did, She would've answered with some sort of insult. Or punched me or something. Something was very wrong. I tried to open the door, only to find it locked. I began to knock more insistently.
-" Temari? You okay in there?"- I asked. No answer. I felt myself starting to get worried. -" Temari, open the door!"- I shouted, pounding on the wooden surface.  Again, no answer came. The window. I hurried outside and starting climbing the wall until I found Temari's room. Fortunately, the window wasn't locked. I slipped inside, only to find the bed empty. I turned on the light and headed to the bathroom. There was no one there. -" Temari!"- I called, worriedly. I looked for her everywhere, without finding trace of the blonde Kunoichi. Had she left for Suna? I checked her drawers and found that all her clothes and weapons were still there. I got out of the hotel and started searching for her all throughout Konoha, but I never found her. I didn't even sense her chakra. I headed towards the city gates and found Izumo and Kotetsu.
-" Guys, did Temari leave the village?"- I asked, sounding frantic.
-" Yeah, last night. She ran outside."- Kotetsu answered.
-" Did she say where she was going?"- I asked, getting more worried by the minute.
-" No. She just ran right past us."- Izumo informed. Shit.
-" I'm leaving. If I'm not back before midnight, inform Sakura Haruno of what happened. If I am, you two better not say a word."- I said, and without waiting for a response, left.

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