Chapter 3:

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Shikamaru's POV
I woke up when I heard a light tap on my window. I grunted and stood up. I saw Temari looking into my bedroom, but it was still dark outside. I grunted and opened the window so she could come in.
-" What the hell Temari? It's too early!"- I complained, but I noticed in her expression that something was bothering her. I sat down on my bed and she sat down next to me. -" You okay?"- I asked cautiously.
-" Yeah, but something's been bothering me since yesterday. I don't trust this Haruka girl..."- She said, furrowing her eyebrows. I raised mine in response.
-" Seriously? And that's why you decided to wake me up at 3:00 A.M?"- I asked, sounding irritated. She looked at me intently.
-" I'm serious Shikamaru. There's something off about her... I don't trust her one bit. And besides, it's like 6:00 A.M so don't complain lazy ass."- She said. I yawned.
-" I don't understand why you're getting so worked up over some weird girl. Just let it go. You're probably just paranoid."- I said, trying to sound reasonable. Temari sighed.
-" I can feel a weird, almost malevolent aura around her and it scares the shit out of me."- She said, which made me rise an eyebrow .
-" We could just not show up to dinner you know..."- I suggested. She sighed.
-" That would be no good. She'll notice we're avoiding her."-  Temari said. I sighed. I'll never understand women.
-" If it makes you feel any better, I can't sense anything weird about her."- I said, trying to offer her some comfort. She raised an eyebrow.
-" You can't?"- She asked. I shook my head. She sighed. -" Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just paranoid."- She said, recovering her sanity. I smiled slightly.
-" Good. Now, since it's Sunday and you don't have any meetings today you should probably relax. Try and get some sleep."- I suggested. Temari shook her head.
-" I can't go back to sleep. I already took a shower. Besides, I'm hungry."- She said, pouting. I exhaled.
-" Troublesome woman. Fine. Wait for me here while I get ready and then I can cook breakfast."- I said. Temari raised an eyebrow.
-" You know how to cook?"- She asked, a hint of amusement and disbelief on her voice. I furrowed my eyebrows.
-" Of course! And don't sound so surprised!"- I complained. Temari chuckled.
-" Oh God, I'm scared."- She said. I grunted.
-" Whatever. You'll enjoy the food. I guarantee it."- I said. Temari smiled.
-" Okay. I have a suggestion. Since I don't know how well you can cook I'll make your eggs and you'll make mine. If I don't like yours you'll give me the dish I prepared and vice versa."- She said. I clenched my fist. Was this girl challenging me? Game on! I smirked.
-" Sounds like a plan."- I said. Temari smiled mischievously.
-" Go take a shower. I'll wait for you here."- She said. And as I showered, I thought of the perfect dish Temari would love.

Temari's POV
After Shikamaru and I finished cooking, I stared dumbfounded at my plate. It looked like a normal, mediocre egg... But when I took a bite it was heaven. My eyes widened.
-" How on earth did you make this?!?"- I asked, taking another bite. Shikamaru smirked.
-" It's a Nara recipe my mom taught me a few years ago. You like it?"- He asked  already knowing the answer.
-" It's delicious!"- I said with a huge smile. I noticed he hadn't tried his. -" Try yours. It might not be as good, but I think you'll like it."- I said with a small smile. He grabbed his fork and took a bite. In a second he was already taking the next. And the next. And the next. Soon, both our plates were empty.
-" Wow. I hate to admit it but you're a great cook."- Shikamaru said with a smile. I smiled back.
-" You're not so bad yourself. There's just one thing I don't get... Why do you always eat outside when you have such amazing cooking skills?"- I asked, genuinely curious. He shrugged.
-" Cooking is a drag."- He said. I chuckled.
-" Lazy ass."- I mocked.
-" Troublesome woman."- He retorted.
-" So... Since I don't have work today what do you wanna do?"- I asked. Shikamaru looked down.
-" I'm sorry Temari, but I can't be with you today. I'm going on a mission. Fortunately, it's close by and I'll be here for dinner with Haruka... But that's it."- He said apologetically. I opened my mouth in shock.
-" Uh... But wasn't I supposed to accompany you to your missions? That what Lady Tsunade said anyway..."- I said.
-" Yeah... I don't think it applies for today since it's not a long mission."- He said. I was shocked to say the least. -" Anyway, I have to get going. If I don't get to the other town soon I won't be here for dinner. So uh... See ya later."- He said.
-" Yeah, see ya."- I said and Shikamaru left through the window. I was a little pissed to be honest. Why couldn't I go with him? Why didn't he want me there? Why did I even care? Ugh! Suddenly I remembered when we went to Ichiraku's and found Naruto. I remembered him telling me that he needed my help. I smiled and headed to Naruto's apartment. When I got there, I knocked on the door. Silence. I furrowed my eyebrows. Had he gone outside? I knocked again, this time louder. I heard grunts.
-" Who is it?"- A groggy and annoyed Naruto asked as he opened the door. He was still in his pajamas and he had a sleepy expression. When he saw me, his eyes widened. -" Temari?!? Oh shit! Wait! I'll be right back!"- He said and slammed the door shut. I chuckled. A few minutes later a dressed Naruto came out with a big smile plastered on his face. -" Hey! Sorry about that... Hehe... I wasn't expecting you."- He said. I chuckled.
-" It's okay. Don't worry about it."- I said.
-" Anyway, what are you doing here?"- He asked.
-" You wanted my help, remember?"- I asked, refreshing his memory.
-" Oh right! Please come in!"- He said and I did.

Shikamaru's POV
I tiredly walked into the village from an exhausting and boring mission. I had to take care of a really annoying, and yet important princess all day. Yes, there had been some ninjas wanting to kidnap her but nothing I wouldn't have been able to handle with my eyes closed. Suddenly, I saw a familiar green-haired girl approach me with a huge smile.
-" Shikamaru-kun!"- She called, waving her hand. I sighed.
-" Hey Haruka. What's up?"- I asked politely.
-" Nothing much. Hey, there's been a slight change of plans for dinner. I made a reservation for 9:00 p.m at the Nobu restaurant! So come dressed elegantly."- She said with a smile. I widened my eyes.
-" Nobu? Isn't that restaurant really expensive?"- I asked. She chuckled.
-" Well, I need to apologize to Temari-San somehow. Besides, it's nothing I can't afford."- Haruka said.
-" Okay... But why so late?"- I asked curiously. She shrugged.
-" I thought Temari-San might want to spend a little more time with her boyfriend."- She said, winking. I froze.
-" Boyfriend? What do you mean?"- I asked, my face staring to redden.
-" Yeah, you know, the blonde one. I saw Temari-San walk into that kid's apartment and I haven't seen her come out."- She said. I furrowed my eyebrows. Temari and... Naruto? Seriously?
-" Sorry Haruka chan, but I have to go. I'll see you at 9:00 p.m"- I said. She nodded and I left. I entered my apartment forcing myself to believe Temari would be there, waiting for me. But disappointment soon filled my heart. She was nowhere to be seen. Was she dating a blockhead such as Naruto? Seeing her intelligence, I thought she'd choose someone a little less... Stupid. I heard the door open and close and Temari sigh contently. I was absolutely disgusted. Temari walked into the room I was sitting and smiled.
-" You're back! How was the mission?"- She asked. I contained my rage.
-" Good."- I said. She raised an eyebrow.
-" Someone's not in a good mood... Did something happen?"- She asked. I clenched my fists.
-" No. Now go get ready for dinner. Wear something nice."- I said.
-" Why nice? It's only barbecue..."- She said. And as she did, a brilliant idea came to me.
-" Well, Haruka-San invited us to the Nobu restaurant. She's a real lady. And pretty too. All anyone could ever ask for in a woman. And she's not troublesome at all!"- I said with a fake smile.

Temari's POV
I stood there, frozen as I heard Shikamaru speak of Haruka. Did he like her? But they only just met! And on top of it all, the idiot was smiling like a dork. I took a deep breath as I tried to control myself.
-" Oh, is she? Man, I should probably stay in my hotel then so you two can hook up or something. I'm not hungry anyway."- I said furiously. But Shikamaru, oblivious as always, continued to get on my nerves.
-" Well of course you aren't hungry. You can't be hungry after a meal at Ichiraku's."- He said. I raised an eyebrow.
-" How did you know I ate at Ichiraku's?"- I asked.
-" Oh, isn't that where Naruto usually eats?"- He asked. I widened my eyes.
-" How do you know I was with Naruto?!?"- I asked.
-" Does it matter?"- He asked plainly.
-" What did you hear?"- I asked, panicking. He closed his eyes.
-" I'm gonna get ready for dinner. Perhaps you should stay here thinking about hot guys or whatever it is you chicks do."- He said and left the room.
-" Well, I will!"- I shouted after him. He ignored me. I furiously left the apartment and slammed the door behind me. He was such a jerk! Him and that bitch, Haruka. I got to my hotel, entered my room and collapsed on my bed. I was suddenly really tired... But I couldn't fall asleep. I was too busy thinking about the jerk I thought I knew.

Shikamaru's POV
Dinner with Haruka was actually quite pleasant... Not as pleasant as it would've been with Temari though. We talked, she laughed and we ate a wonderful meal. As I said goodbye, I decided to invite Haruka to watch me train tomorrow. A perfect counter-strategy Temari would probably hate. Of course, the green-haired girl agreed. Temari, game on!

Hey minna! What do you think of this chapter? Pretty insane right? Well, stay tuned for more!

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