Chapter Two

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I turned around ready to tell the man off, but in retrospect...he was the one who left me in hush mode.

I looked up at the "boss" and my whole mouth dropped to the ground.

I have never seen anyone as beautiful as this man standing in front of me. His hair was sticking up and it looked real good enough for me to run my hands through it.

His nice, smooth complexion. He had that nice jawline, and he was built and muscular but what really caught my eyes was his eyes.

His silver eyes.

It was like he was staring into my soul and it was making me weak in my knees and with me staring back into his eyes, I felt as if I was in another dimension. I felt hypnotized.

I have never seen someone with beautiful eyes like this before.

I was still trying to find my words but after I saw this man, my words had flew out the window.

Away from me.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" I heard as Alec said to me making me lose my train of thoughts. I looked behind me and over at Alec to see him smirking at me.

I just rolled my eyes at him before turning my head towards the nice looking man.

"Is there something that you have to say to me?" He asked me, I was still looking for my words but I still couldn't find them.

Damn it, everything I wanted to say to this man, I cant. It seems as if I can't my words right.

I watched as he rolled his eyes at me before walking past me and making his way up the stairs. I looked at the boys behind me as they was looking at me.

"Who was that?" I asked them. They all looked at each other before looking back at me. "That was the boss. His name is Dante King." Leo said as he walked over to the couch and sat down.

"What happened to the big bad girl you was before he came in? I thought you had some things to say to him?" Alec said teasingly.

I swear, I could just go over there and snap his neck. I just rolled my eyes at him again before making my way up the stairs. I have to get out of here.

I walked to the door at the end of the hall to see it was cracked open. I slowly made my way towards the door and looked into the crack to see the mystery man was sitting at a desk while looking at his laptop.

Who is this guy?

I knocked on the door and heard him say come in. Doing what I was told, I slowly walked into his office and started walking up to his desk.

I could feel as his eyes watching my every move. For some reason, my legs felt wobbly. Like if he didn't stop staring at me the way he is now, then I was going to fall right here in front of him

Once I made it up to his desk, I stood in front of him and looked at him as he looked at me with a mean glare on his face like he was going to kill me at any time. I looked into those silver eyes and it had no emotions to it and that was what attracted me to him.

Other than his built body of course.

He started to make me feel self-conscious when he started looking at me up and down like I disgust him, I wanted to cower away but I didn't.

"May I help you with something?" He asked me, I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I furrowed my eyebrows at him getting annoyed with this man's attitude and the part was, I didn't even know who the hell this man was.

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