Spinning In Circles

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Ed's POV
I sighed as I laid in my hospital bed. I couldn't think straight. I was......depressed. I was upset that Roy hasn't visited me yet. I understand he has work to do but even Hawkeye was able to visit. I looked around my hospital room, bored. I was trying to keep myself from yelling or something like that. "Calm down Ed. You'll be discharged tonight." I muttered.
I shoved my hands into my pockets. I was walking with Al back to Central. I sighed and we walked in. I was expecting everyone to be saying hi to me, but I was wrong. Everyone said hi to Al, and left. Not saying a word to me. I shrugged it off and Al and I continued our walk to Roy's office. I slammed his door open and walked in, smiling. "Hello Ro-" "Good morning Fullmetal." He cut me off. I raised an eye brow. 'Well thats....new...' I thought. "Hey Roy. What happened to calling me Ed?" I asked, crossing my arms looking at him. "Excuse me Fullmetal. It's disrespectful to say your superiors first name." He said, clearly upset. "What?!" I exclaimed, becoming annoyed. He was acting like we haven't been together for four months! And that was what was annoying me. "Roy what the hell? Did you slip and fall on your head while I was in the hospital? Cause last I checked, you were fine with me calling you that." I said. Roy raised an eye brow. "You were in the hospital Fullmetal? You should've told me." He said. I growled. "You were there when I got hurt! Hell! You were the one who brought me there!" I exclaimed. "Fullmetal lower your voice." Roy scolded me. "And stop using my first name. Its disrespectful." He said. I stood there, shocked. Could he have really forgotten what happened....? "And what do you mean I brought you there?" He asked. I clenched my fist. "We were walking home together. We were laughing and smiling, just playing around with one another. Then....someone from Tiki Village came and....you were restrained and were forced to watch as I was hurt. Your telling me you remember none o-of that?" I asked, staring at the ground. "No. Fullmetal. I don't." He replied, bored. I stayed silent and walked towards the door. "Fullmetal. Before I forget. We're throwing a party tonight. You are coming no matter what the hell you say. Secondly, you have a four month late report to hand in. About your mission in Tiki Village. I expect it by tomorrow." He declared. I visibly stiffened. "Something wrong?"He asked. "N-No.....I-I'm fine." I replied. I walked out of Ro-Mustang's office and towards Al. Once I approached him, he knew something was wrong. "Brother? Whats wrong?" He asked. I looked at him. "Mustang wants me to write a report." I replied. "Brother, thats not ba-"

"On what happened in Tiki Village."

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