Jet’s face fell when he saw Todd and ran over, he kneeled by him. “Bro, what did you do to yourself this time?” He questioned and picked up the towel, before pressing it to his shoulder.

 “I’ll go pack some of our crap up,” Beau muttered and walked into the bedroom.

I sat back a bit and watched Jet fuss over his brother, a ping of guilt ran over me, that only happened because of me…

 Jet turned slightly to face my grim face, “Cheer up girly, none of us are dead and we get to run for it.” He shrugged and gave me a smile.

I nodded and got up slowly as Beau walked out from the bedroom and dropped a large bag on the ground.

 I walked past him and into the bedroom where I shut the door quietly, I swallowed hard and leant against the wall at the other side of the room.

Todd had just literally taken a bullet for me, and what could I do for him? Give him some pain killers… Yeah, how great of me.

I tried wiping away a tear that felt like it would fall, but Jet was opening the door and slipping in. I turned away and tried to stop it.

 Jet put both of his hands on my arms, and looked down at my vulnerable figure.

He wiped away one of my tears silently and pulled me a bit closer in a sort of embrace, “I know you’re engaged, but this might stop you from crying at least…” He murmured and let his lips fall onto mine, it was soft unlike last night where it had all just been stupid and absent-minded… But his lips were soft and warm against my cold and trembling lips.

 His hand touched my face lightly as he pulled back slowly, I let my eyes open to meet his eyes… They were soft, not insane and wild like usual…

I swallowed and let my thumb rub a dot of blood from his cheek, what I didn’t like was the longing I now felt pulling through my heart.

 I bit my lip and took a short step back, Jet actually looked a little worried now, “Was I right to do that?” He asked quietly,

“As right as anything seems right now…” I whispered. I realised that was a bit mean, because nothing seemed right at the moment…

 We waited until it was early morning, almost three before exiting the unit in the full dark. I hadn’t spoken to Jet since, and I wasn’t sure if it was because I blamed him for the feeling I had now in the pit of my stomach or what.

The air was freezing cold and Jet kept a tight hold on his brother while Beau hung around me with his hand on his gun in the pocket of his jacket.

I had borrowed one of their jackets because mine was currently soaked in Todd’s blood, I had saved the few amount of my belongings and put them in my jean pockets now.

 We stayed to the areas where cars weren’t really on the road, but when we did come across a black car Beau ran to it.

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, he opened it and poked it carefully into the key hole. It was about a minute before there was a click, he swung the door open and jumped in- Unlocking all of the doors.

 Jet told Todd and I to sit in the back while he and Beau opened the bonnet, a few seconds passed before the car came to life and rumbled beneath us.

Jet jumped into the driver’s side and Beau into the passenger seat, “You’ve drunk a heap tonight!” I said quickly, Jet looked in the mirror and met my eyes- It was that insane streak that ran through them.

 “Trust me, I’m fine.” Then he was pushing down on the accelerator and we were speeding off.

 I looked to Todd who seemed a little out of it, and I couldn’t think of a reason apart from the blood loss.

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