Leave Me With A Gun

Start from the beginning

I spent the next few hours trying to hide from the public, around our manor, but the problem was that half was being renovated, it was in the centre of our Empire capitol, and the grounds where I was were open to most of the public.

   After seeing an elderly couple I jumped for a hedge, I stayed behind the large green shrub for at least five minutes before almost running to the door of the manor.

The security saw me and smiled before opening the large doors, I rushed in and instantly I felt less stressed. It was cool in the manor, the floors were tiled with marble and the ceilings were high, the walls were decorated with rather boring portraits.

  I passed a few staff who strolled through, all smiled politely and I forged smiles to give back.

I hated the attention- Unless it was on me whilst stoned and table dancing like once or twice before…

 I fond myself subconsciously wandering toward the kitchen, I pushed the swinging doors and entered, it was busy- Seem as how dinner was coming up. The whole kitchen smelt awesome and cooks and chefs dashed around

   I shook my head at their mad dashing about and headed to the pastry chef, Noel, I smiled at him and he grinned.

“Pre-Dinner snack my dear?” He asked, I pulled a face and shook my head,

“Nah, I’m going to skip dinner tonight, too many people will be there. So is it alright if I grab a croissant now?” I wondered, and fluttered my eyelashes.

  Noel grinned broadly, “Of course, you have no need to even ask!” He spun around and grabbed a large croissant, he handed it to me and it was still warm.

I beamed at him, “Thankyou so much, you will definitely be in charge of the pastries at my wedding!” I assured him before taking a bite out of the croissant and turning.

 I escaped the rush of the kitchen and nibbled on the croissant until I reached the elevator, it was gold painted. I slipped in and the voice asked which floor, “Three.” I answered before it pinged and started moving.

 I finished off the croissant as the doors opened again, I exited to the third floor of our manor, it had the bedrooms of those who lived here- That was my parents, my cousin Gregory, one or two officials, me and Rowan. It was apparently the most guarded floor, but I couldn’t see any security…

 I made my way up the corridor to my room, I found my key and unlocked the door before shutting it again.

I switched on the chandelier, and my whole room lit up. It had beautiful wooden boards, and plush furniture. A large bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe, the bed was big enough for at least seven people to sleep in comfortably… But Rowan and I managed it well…

  I headed to the walk-in wardrobe where I studied myself in the mirror, I was fairly tall, I was lightly tanned and had blonde hair that was loosely curled to my shoulders, grey-blue eyes and full lips. I had a nice figure, I was slender but not too slender, I had a few nice curves in the right places.

I was quick to take off my skirt and find a pair of denim mini-shorts that looked alright with my neat blouse.

I ran my hands through my hair before studying my ring, it was a shining gold with a diamond in the middle, it made me feel giddy every time I remembered that night. Rowan had been walking me back from a dinner with the officials, and outside my door he dropped to his knee and asked, I spent about ten minutes just standing there in shock before saying “Maybe.” So instead of getting up and acting irritated he asked to come in, we spent the night curled up on my bed just talking… Then when the morning came, I said yes, I decided it would be nice to have someone I love that I could always rely on and not have to worry about dressing to impress guys at dances- No, I was taken and all I had to do was impress Rowan, which wasn’t hard to do.

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