Start from the beginning

But how many had we lost? I had already stopped multiple times and tried to heal wounded campers around the field. But I had lost most of them. Mainly because this army's main poison was Marauders venom.

I didn't want to admit it but even if this army had lost 1/20 of its forces. We had probably lost 1/15 of ours. And for us... That was a bigger number. I flew up to see Luke flying down. He had probably found someone who needed help, found someone being attacked by a Bob.

After looking at the battle below me I found a couple of campers in need of help. Hellhounds, a pack of about 20 were about to jump on 5 campers and hunters. From what I could see. The two campers were supporting a Injured hunter. And two other hunter had come over to protect their injured sister.

When the pack of hellhound a decided they would make a good snack.

I flew into a dive , and rammed into the hellhound that decided to try and attack first. I had only seen a glimpse of the hunters surprised faces as I turned to the monsters. Seeming to get over their shock, 5 hellhound jumped forward. Their claws raised in a deadly arc, and their jaws open wide.

I quickly grabbed three chaos metal throwing knifes from the holster on my left left. I flung them towards three of the hounds. The knifes I paled them in the jaws. I brought my katana quickly back and stabbed another in the stomach. We I thought I was about to feel the sting of claws, I heard a yelp. I opened my eyes to see the fifth hound with three arrows in its vital points. I burst into dust and I turned my head to the other hounds.

The three with the knifes in their jaws, were slowly turning to dust. Their muzzles were disintegrating into clumps and falling to the ground, before completely bursting. The one I had slashed with my katana was already in a pile of golden dust.

The other hellhounds had either left to torment other campers, of were in dust on the field next to some of the hunters arrows.

One of the hunters turned to me and said.

"Thank you, I don't know what we would have done if you hadn't came..."

"Don't thank me yet..." I said and turned to face the hunters. "Thank me when you get out of this battle alive."

I then walked over and healed the fallen hunter.

Arch's POV:
I slashed through a pack of hellhound around Bianca and turned to face another monster. I flew up and tried to catch sight of any people in serious danger.

I quickly spotted Clarisse, Hazel, and Leo fighting a drakon... By themselves. I mentally face palmed at the sight of my brave, yet stupid comrades. I flew down and landed on top of the dragons hide. Having felt me, the drakon shook heavily trying to shake its tag along off. I flew off and landed next to the others.

They all stared at me for a moment, but quickly focused their attention back to the drakon after it's roar ripped through the battle field. I looked at the monster's hideous teeth, and snout. Acid Poison, which had been the chase of Silena's first death, dropped from its fangs onto the grass below. The grass fizzled on the impact and started burning away.

Having not fought a drakon in 367 chaos years, I turned to Clarisse and asked. "Where is the weak spot again?"

Clarisse, almost seemed to laugh and prove that she was better then me, stiffened her laugh as the drakon charged forward. They all kept aside, avoiding the fatal blow, while I flew up and landed next to Clarisse once again.

"Right where the neck armor and the back armor meet, if you get a sword of any kind in there, they thing should be sent back to Tartarus." She told me, her eyes not leaving the Drakon. Once again It charged towards us, making the other leap aside and my fly up. But this time I didn't Roland on the ground next to any of my comrades. I landed on the shoulder blades of the drakon, both katanas ready to deliver a fatal blow.

But that's when things went wrong for me. Unnoticeable by me, a spray of poison came flying towards me. Noticing it too late, I redirected the poison to a smaller area of my body. My left arm being the only option. The poison made contact with my arm, and a loud fizzling sound was heard.

My arm burnt like fire water Tartarus. The other layer of my elbow to my wrist was black and red, and smelt like burning flesh. I had not feeling past me elbow and my katana dropped to the ground.

I quickly remember what I was doing before this and thrust my katana into the drakon's weak spot. The drakon bellowed in rage but slowing burst in golden dust, before all that was left was the armor.

I knelt down on the armor, my right hand ablaze with shadow fire. I haven't used it since a dreadful battle on plant 89, but this was needed. I lifted my hand to my elbow and wrapped my hand around it. Burning the skin around it.

You may think I'm crazy but, it did it to block any poisonous affects from traveling around my body. The shadow fire has it's ups, but the down was until my arm was heals, I wouldn't be able to use my left arm. You take some you lose some.

I jumped of the drakon armor and landed next to my comrades below. Clarisse just nodded in respect, the. Went to help some younger campers fight another monster. Hazel and Leo stayed behind and ran up to me.

"Oh gods, Percy! Your arm!" Hazel cried out, tears threading to spell out. I waved her off, giving the universal "I'm fine" signal. Thankfully she understood. I nodded to them and was about to join another battle of mine when Leo spoke up.

"Percy!" I turned my head to look at him. "Percy I'm sorry..." I titled my head in confusion. "I'm sorry I was so weak back then. I couldn't resist Logan's charmspeak... He made me.. He made... Me... He made me do it Percy. Please... I have been looking for you for 7 years to tell you that, to get over my Guilt. I don't know if I'm going to see you after this battle... So... I'm sorry Percy." Leo said

I gave him my signature mischief filled grin and replied. "I've been waiting Leo... And don't say either of will make it through this battle. My friend... I'll see you after this. Don't die on me... Valdez, you too Hazel. I expect to see both of you."  

The smiled and nodded their heads. Them turned around to join a battle, gods know where.

Unknown POV:
My eyes trained on the prince of the stars. He turned and joined a battle with another useless monster. His left arm hung limp on his side, but that made didn't make him any less stronger.

He almost seemed more dangerous. Motivated by whatever conversation he had with those two useless campers

Soon. This useless camp, the useless gods, and their useless children. The useless monsters, the useless warriors, and the useless hunters.

Their blood will be on my hands.

Authors note:
AND I FINISHED!!!!! Finally :D sorry of the wait. I had the worst writers block.

JA NE!!!!!!!!


1944 words

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