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Test of Time

I’m in love with you every day
But there’s a sudden change one day
Hindrances come along our way
Destroyed our relationship in any way

No one survived in the test of time
It was awful, you left me behind
I cried a lot because of it
But then I hid off and take

I smiled but in my eyes the sorrow reveal
I pretended but deep inside I feel abyss
They gave me support for what they’ve seen
The memories of you I picked on waste

The only thing I always heard
It’s hard when the heart is hurt
Mend your heart and cure the pain
Go on with your life and I’ll do the same

Note: I don't own this poem.

There are challenges and troubles coming along with those people who are in relationships. I hope that you can stand with your significant other hand by hand through the Test of Time. ^_^

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