I really didn't care that he was weak, nor did I care that I had to become his protector.

He is perfection in my eyes.


A few days later, I still did not see Mason. It was plainly obvious that he was avoiding me. I had to admit that I missed him, but my pride kept me from seeking him out.

If I'm honest with myself, I know that he was right. My mate is weak, and he will be useless in battle. No matter how much Caleb means to me, I have to admit that he is as useful as a pup. He has no experience in combat, except for petty school fights, much less war.

And his friends...I turned to watch Mac and Sean playing tag with the pups.

"Let me catch you," Sean screamed as he ran after Lucas. Lucas giggled as he easily outran the clumsy human. Mac chased the other two pups, Austin and Chris, but couldn't catch either.

"I'll get you this time," Mac screamed as he tripped over his own feet.

Let's just say that the pups have a higher chance of surviving a battle than those two. 

Finally my eyes rested on my mate, who was chasing after Geo. Geo laughed and taunted my mate, who angrily increased his speed. I had to suppress a smile; I remember when Geo made me reach beyond my limit during training. It's thanks to Geo and Richard that I am as strong and agile as I am now.

"What's wrong pup? Feeling tired? I haven't even broken a sweat," Geo smirked as Caleb let out a war cry and ran faster.

"I see old habits die hard," I said as I approached the field. Geo turned to me and smirked. He then turned back to the training grounds that were completely empty. "I cancelled training."

Geo smirked knowingly. Yes, I had cancelled training to spend time with Caleb.

"Jade," Caleb panted as he abruptly stopped running.

"You should be proud, he ran three miles nonstop," Geo said with a small smirk. Three miles is nothing impressive, but the proud look on my mate's eyes said otherwise. "Good job pup, but I do expect you to run six, at the very least." Caleb's mouth dropped open as he mouthed the words 'six miles.'

"My son can run a mile and a half without stopping, and he's only four," Geo said smugly.

I wanted to roll my eyes but refrained from doing so. What Geo hadn't mentioned is that Lucas will one day replace him as the gamma of our pack. Even without a wolf, Lucas is fast and has a lot of endurance.

"Thanks for the ego boost Geo, but I've never been a fan of running," Caleb admitted with a sigh.

His proud look deflated before my eyes, and I turned to glare at Geo. Geo met my glare with a smirk and a wink. I raise an eyebrow, but soon heard Geo's voice in my head.

'What are you waiting for Miss Alpha? Console your mate.' This time I did roll my eyes as I made my way towards my sulking mate.

"Follow me I want to show you something," I whispered in his ear. Caleb turned to me and smiled as he outstretched his hand for me to take, and I did.

His fingers automatically intertwined with mine, and I couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my face. For the past two days my mate has begun to initiate physical contact, which has caused my wolf to become even more attached to him. She wants him, I know. She has been whispering bold suggestions.

I took my mate into the woods and led him to the river by the center of my lands. When I was younger, Michael would always take me there. That was before he took the role of alpha. He had genuinely tried to spend time with me as much as he could.

Being an alpha is so much more work than it sounds. You have to protect your lands, deal with paperwork, form alliances and train your pack. I have always looked up to Michael, and I wished that I could be as good an alpha as he was.

When we reached the river I sat on a boulder, and my mate soon followed. I looked into the water bitterly. Alpha Liam declared war against me because he was extremely interested in this river. Of course the hundreds of acres were a huge bonus.

I'll admit that if it wasn't for Mason, Geo, and Richard, I would have lost. Because of my pathetic inexperience, I lost dozens of men. They had all depended on me as their leader, and I failed them.

This was one of the main reasons that I'm afraid to go into war against Tyler. I don't want another pack mate to die. Every night I could hear their dying screams, and the sounds of weeping loved ones.

"Jade," I was ripped away from my dark thoughts and turned to my concerned mate. "What's wrong?"

"This river is very special to me," I answered as I became lost in memories of happier times. Happier times that had been cruelly snatching from me.

"It's very beautiful here," Caleb said as he unknowingly pulled me away from my melancholic thoughts once more. "When I was little I would go swimming with my parents all the time but that was before my mom and dad had issues."

"Issues?" I couldn't help but pry. Caleb sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't think there's a connection with them anymore. Sure there's no talk of divorce or fights, but I just feel that their feelings for each other have gone...what's the word...cold? Almost as if they don't love each other anymore, but what do I know right?" Caleb gave a bitter smile and turned to look at the water.

I wanted to comfort him, but I was feeling puzzled. When mates find each other, there is no possibility for them to have a loveless relationship. Mates will always love each other...unless-

"I hardly ever see my dad, and my mom is usually in front of the television crying over her soap operas. During dinner they try to act like the perfect family, but I notice their smiles are forced. They have basically blown me off all my life. My mom barely even bats an eyelash when I leave for a week. Sometimes I doubt my father even notices. I feel like they continue their marriage for my sake, and it makes them feel bitter towards me."

"Caleb," I called to him but stopped when his eyes met mine. I don't know what to say. What can I say?

"And yours? Where are your parents?"

I debated on whether or not to answer, but I guess it's only fair that I answer his question. After all, he did tell me about his parents.

"They died three years ago." Caleb turned to me sadly.

"H-how?" he asked as he pat my hand comfortingly.

"They died during a battle against a rival pack," I tried to keep myself from growling as memories of that day resurfaced.

I angrily stood and walked towards the river. I looked at my reflection, like I did that day three years ago. In this river I had washed Michael's blood off my hands as I promised him and my parents that I would avenge them. I don't care what it takes or how long it takes, but I will kill Tyler and Thomas.

I suddenly felt someone's arms around me. I froze but relaxed when I heard my mate's soothing voice. How did I not feel him approaching me?

"It's okay Jade," he whispered in my ear. I felt him turning me to face him. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but I didn't. "Let down your guard and freely mourn them. It won't do you any good to hold it in."

I looked into those warm caring blue eyes and felt my walls crumble around him. To my surprise, I launched myself into his arms and cried.

I cried of anger, sadness, and, to my surprise, joy.

Caleb held me against his chest as he rubbed my back comfortingly and whispered soothing words in my ear. He made me feel safe and protected, despite the fact that he was weaker than me. Just knowing that he was mine comforted me. I closed my eyes as I allowed myself to feel his warm arms around me. 

A/N: Thanks for reading! :D

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