Chapter 15

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I sat down in the plane, Kurt and I managed to get okay seats and we were sitting right next to each other. Kurt threw one of our bags in the upper compartment before he sat down in the isle seat.

"I still can't believe this is happening." I told him leaning on his shoulder.

"Me either." He told me.

"Where is Rachel?" I asked him seeing the empty seat to the left of me.

"Finn needs to talk to her before we go."


"He better hurry up because we are going to take off soon." Kurt said looking into the isle.

"I'm... here." Rachel said walking up to our seats.

Kurt stood up and hugged her as she cried into his shoulder.

I say there not sure what to say, but then I just stood up and hugged her too. We hugged for around 2 minutes before a flight attendant told us to take our seats.

So many things
To do and say
But I can't seem
To find my way
But I wanna know how
I know
I'm meant
For something else
But first
I gotta find myself
But I don't know how

[Rachel with Kurt harmonizing:]
Oh, why do
I reach for the stars
When I don't have wings
To carry me that far?

[Rachel with Kurt:]
I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world
For me

[Rachel (Kurt):]
I don't wanna feel
I don't wanna feel)

And forget the pain
Is real
(And forget the pain
Is real)

Put my head
In the clouds

Oh, start to run
And then I fall
(start to run
And then I fall)

I can't get it all
Without my feet
On the ground
I can't get it all
Without my feet
On the ground)

There's always a seed
Before there's a rose
The more that it rains
The more I will grow

[Rachel with Kurt:]
I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world
For me

Whatever comes
I know how to take it
Learn to be strong
I won't have to fake it
Oh, you're understandin'
The wind can come
And do its best
Blow me north, and south,
East and west
But I'll still
Be standing
I'll be standing

[Rachel & Kurt with Blaine:]
If I have
Roots before branches
To know who I am (To know who I am)
Before I know
Who I'm gonna be
And faith
To take chances
To live like I see
A place in this world

I gotta have
Roots before branches
To know who I am
Before I know
Who I wanna be
And faith

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