I groaned, falling back into the pillows, "Coach is going to be so pissed."

Niall ran his fingers through his hair, "I should go."

"Wait," I sat up. "Why were you here?"

"Liam told me that you were in the hospital and you kept mumbling my name in your sleep," he looked down at the ground, scratching his neck.

"That's embarrassing," I muttered. "Look, Niall, I really am sorry. Please, just give me a chance. I really like you, and I don't regret what happened between us."

He sighed, "I don't know. I'm nobody, you're the most popular bloke in the school. I can put up with the daily tormenting, but can you? I highly doubt you'd sacrifice your status for someone like me. It's better if we're just friends."

"I don't want to be friends," I said.

"Harry-," he started.

"No, listen to me," I pushed the covers off of my body, trying to stand up.

"God, you're so difficult," Niall rushed over, pushing me back down. "You shouldn't be getting out of bed."

"Go on a date with me," I pulled him down and he fell on top of me.

"I think you need to go back to sleep," he struggled to get out of my grip.

"Tell me you don't want to give this a try," I whispered in his ear. He shivered, sitting up. I grabbed both of his hands, placing them on my chest.

Niall bent down, pressing a light kiss on my lips, "Get some rest." He got up from the bed, walking out of the room.

My mum walked in shortly after, holding a tray of food, "Hi, love."

"Hi mum," I smiled.

"Are you feeling okay? The doctor said that you could leave in a few hours as long as you weren't having any serious pain."

"My head is throbbing a bit, but I should be fine," I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply.

"Alright," she set the tray down on the small table. "How come I've never met that blonde friend of yours? He's such a gentleman."

"Who, Niall? He just moved here a little over a month ago," I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"Hm," she nodded, thoughtfully. "Liam stopped by with your stuff earlier, by the way. Your phone has been buzzing nonstop for the past hour," I held my hand out as she dropped it in my hand.

From: Caroline Flack

Text me when you wake up x

I deleted the text, scrolling through the rest and only paying attention to the important ones.

From: The Tommo

Hope you're doing alright, see you tom xx

From: Li Payne

You're an idiot, but Z and I love you anyway. I brought your stuff to the hospital, I hope that's okay.

I sent a quick reply to the both of them and dropped my phone on the sheets.


Niall's POV

I didn't know what to say to Harry. I'm honestly terrified. I left Ireland to escape the problems, but would I only be facing the same things here? I've grown to love Harry's cheeky remarks and his dimpled smile. I can't stop thinking about him. Jason hadn't approached me since the day Harry told him to let me go, but would it remain that way if we were to be something more? So many thoughts were swarming through my head as I entered the school that I didn't notice the group of people standing in front of the double doors. I opened my mouth to apologize, but froze when I looked up.

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