- Chapter Eighteen -

Começar do início

"Friends, family, loved ones, we have gathered here today at the invitation of Peeta and Katniss to share in the joy of their wedding," the man says. And I smile. It's happening. It's finally happening. I never thought this time would come.

I glance at the minister. Short, peppy man. I've seen him around town before. While trading with Gale he would always end up waiting in line with us. He definitely lives here. We've talked a few times. I'm just not positive of his name.

"This day represents eternal love, happiness, and dedication towards ones that are special to you," he says. I look back towards Peeta, making eye contact again. And as soon as I do, everything that the minister says is involuntarily blocked out. I slightly hear him talk about how much Peeta and I have been through. How much we loved each other both on screen and off. And then I know it's time for the vows.

"We all hope that you will continue to grow closer throughout your years together. None of us knows what the future will bring. Yet your love for one another, and trust in the strength of your union makes possible the act of faith you are making today. As you exchange the vows, which will start you on your journey together, know that our love and support go with you. As you make your promises to each other, we will remember promises we too have made and take this opportunity to make new our own," the man says. And then he looks directly at me. Is it my turn? Do I go first? I don't know what to say - or what to do. I give Peeta a worried look and he clears his throat.

"I guess I'll start," he says. And I smile. He knows how nervous I am.

"I've spent years. Waiting for this single day. Waiting for the promise that I'd be with you forever. When I was 5, and I saw you on that first day of school. All I had was hope. All I had was a tiny puddle of hope waiting for its opportunity to become an ocean. All I had was a piece of burnt bread. And that same piece of bread gave you your hope. Gave you the guarantee of waking up alive the next day. Waking up to your sister. And mother. And me- even if you didn't know it yet. There's no other girl in the world that deserved my burnt, muddy bread more than you," Peeta laughs. And I do too. Not on purpose though. Like I usually do for the cameras. And the crowds. I genuinely laugh. Which I haven't done in front of people for a long time.

"The day you volunteered for your sister was one of the best days of my life, now that I think about it. The day of the reaping. Even if it would only be for a few days, I had the opportunity to spend time with the girl of my dreams. And I didn't care if certain death was the consequence. And in that arena. You could have let me die. Easily. But you didn't... You just didn't. You saved me. My life was in your hands and you kept me thriving. Kept me fed. And happy. That part wasn't very hard," Peeta says, tearing up a little. I can't help but blush.

"We sure put on a good show in front of the cameras. Kept them rioting for the star crossed lovers of district 12. But when the cameras were turned off was when I knew, truly, that you loved me. And that I loved you. And I still do. Now, more than ever." He gives my hands a squeeze. I blink and a small tear rolls down my cheek. He gently wipes it up with his warm finger, and I smile and look down at my shoes.

"So thank you, Katniss," he continues, "For keeping me alive. For saving me. Taking care of me. Letting me take care of you. And I promise we'll be doing the same for the rest of our lives. Always."

He lifts my chin so I'm looking right at him. Into his blue ocean of hope called eyes. In the arena, I remember, they were simply puddles. Like he said. So much has changed since then.

"Our story is just beginning. And it will go on until the day we die," Peeta finishes. "I love you."

I think about what he just said to me. Our story. The one that will be written down in history textbooks. The one that will be taught to innocent children at school. No. That's not our story. We never owned that. The Capitol did. The story of Peeta and Katniss starts today. And then it comes to me. My vows. I know exactly what to say.

Real - An Everlark FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora