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[12:00 P.M]
Ben: Jay, you're good with girls, right?
Jay: I usually am, but right now, I can't figure ANYTHING out about girls..
Ben: What?! What is happening to the world?!
Jay: don't ask me. I'm just trying to survive the day...
Ben: okay... What's wrong?
Jay: I never realized how COMPLICATED girls are!!
Ben: .. The world... Is ending.. Everything's going wrong!
Jay: I actually don't know what's happening.... One minute she's good.. Then she is an angry monster!
Ben: ooohhhhh... Audrey?
Jay: ya huh
Ben: yeah.. She's.. Unusual..
Jay: NOW you tell me this..
Ben: well... Just take it from someone who used to date her... One minute she's all, "Benny Boo!" The next, "don't come near me!"
Jay: yeah.. I've noticed..
Ben: so.. What do we do? We're two guys, who are both having girl problems... Who's going to help the other?
Jay: wait.. You too?
Ben: yeah, that's why I texted you in the first place... But.. Now you're having girl problems too... And I don't know what to do.. You've never had this happen before..
Jay: I know!! It's so weird..
Ben: yeah.. You get used to it.
Jay: is this how it is for most guys?
Ben: yes... Because they are very complicated..
Jay: well, what's your problem? I might STILL have SOME way to navigate girls...
Ben: well.... It was about Mal and my date... And I didn't know if I reacted well or not..
Jay: ah.. Dates.. The bane of our existence...
Ben: true.. But, I want to help you first... We can talk about my problem later. What's the Audrey problem?
Jay: you dated her. So you probably know what happened... NOTHING! At least.. Nothing I know about... She just suddenly.. Snapped I guess. One minute she was laughing, then she just started shouting..
Ben: what did she start yelling about?
Jay: she wasn't coherent...
Ben: yeah... She does that.. What could you make out?
Jay: I can't believe I this.. Stop staring at me like an idiot... How can you not care about... And then she stormed off.. But I couldn't catch what "I didn't care about." And that's it.
Ben: oh... Whenever she says that... It usually means..
Jay: usually means.. What?
Ben: she was talking before.. And you missed something. Either that, or there's an "important event" that you forgot.. Or.. The worst.. She got a haircut, and a mani/pedi and you didn't notice..
Jay: how do I know which one it was? I mean... Haircut stuff I can easily figure out. The other stuff I can't.
Ben: you never know.... That's the problem... I can ask Jane for you... She hangs with Audrey all the time.
Jay: go ahead and ask.
Ben: okay. I'll report back!

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