Te truk

20 4 0

Wen I so the truck, I taught, "huh?"

Ya tats what I tought

Then mr tumnas tooted!

Or was tat me?

It woz me

Aslan looked baeisj so I tooted some mor

And he liked it. So I tooted ajain an agan. Toots are fuuny, like me

Well, the Turk unloded. I saw some people? Huh? I taught again. Peopwl?

Peter! Suzen! Edmin! Lucey!

I ran owt wit aslan by mi side.


Wow! I'm reely hungry rite naow!

Bak two the truck! They were their. And so was I. Wel, once I ran over.

I screamed! "Hi fends!" I yallled.

"Hank!" Thay ol scremed back! "Aslan!"

Uh! I tot! Why iz it allways abowt him?! I dint kno.

The truck waz grean. Hahahahaha! Like a lime. I hate limes!

Upes, they're it iz!!! Oops there it izzzzz!

Sary, thats whats on te radeo

So yeah. Jusd wanted to tell u about that. I am bord!

They're is know mor waffle fried in the freezer! I sad! I depressed! I funny!

Gitta go tok to muster beever! Lates gates! Luv ya pals.

Burp. Nose farts.

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